Sorry no pics of the QC’s
Whilst I was on holiday a fellow beek was helping but my only hive swarmed. However, the Queen was clipped so it must’ve been a cast swarm. At that time my colleague apparently released a Virgin Queen emerging from a cell into the colony and put the clipped queen into a nuc. He also split the colony too. Result is three colonies. With the ubiquitous clipped Buckfast Queen in one.
Upon my return from holiday I put a test frame in one colony and the bees did not make any queen cells. I have since seen a mated queen and BIAS in this colony
I put a test frame in the remaining colony (in question) and the result was two queen cells that are now capped. They are smaller than any other queen I’ve seen before hence my question?
Could it be that the test frame that I placed in this hive did not have any viable eggs/larvae resulting in underdeveloped queen cells??
(even though I thought I saw eggs I may have been mistaken and the Bees may have made a queen cell from young larvae)