Supersedure photo

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Do they fight it out once the daughter starts laying?
ps forgot to mention "great picture"
Great picture , lovely indeed !
I take it you marked the new Queen before taking the picture as mother appears to have worn out markings on her thorax?
I saw the old queen and there's loads of eggs and young brood on the other side of the frame. I suspected a supersedure situation, turned the frame over and bingo, a new queen, so I marked her and then the old queen came over to say hello as well.

This hive has provided 3 full supers and i used the cup kit system and got 20 odd queen cells as well, so this hive has earn't its keep this season!!!!!!!
I saw the old queen and there's loads of eggs and young brood on the other side of the frame. I suspected a supersedure situation, turned the frame over and bingo, a new queen, so I marked her and then the old queen came over to say hello as well.

This hive has provided 3 full supers and i used the cup kit system and got 20 odd queen cells as well, so this hive has earn't its keep this season!!!!!!!
Sounds like a good queen to keep (mum I mean ) she is the one with the supercedure genes :).
I wonder how old she is ? Maybe a good breeder Queen ? :) .
I would be assessing the queens she has produced :)

old queen looks like a green (2009) one.

anyone up for removing her to a nuc for a month or so until newbie has proven herself???
old queen looks like a green (2009) one.

anyone up for removing her to a nuc for a month or so until newbie has proven herself???

Or, as suggested earlier move her to a nuc to live and produce the larvae for next years queens?
I,m going to let nature takes it course.

The new queen is laying and after a while assuming the bees are happy with her, they will neglect the old queen (marked green) and soon after she will disappear.

Since i started rearing my own queens and selling a few extra, the quality of my stock has definitely improved, only had 3 swarms from 11 hives, over 600Ibs of honey including the Spring crop.

So I will be glad of a rest when Winter arrives!!!
Thanks for sharing a brilliant photo and interesting thread :nature-smiley-016:
Great photo. Well done.

Also see: [ame=""][/ame]
Great photo :)

What type of bees are they?
The bees are good old mongrel,s. I don't believe in buying in imported queens as you never know what the temperament is going to be one or two generations down the line.

Breed from your best queen and see your stock improve year on year.

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