Strimming around the hives

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New Bee
Oct 17, 2019
Reaction score
Kilkenny, Ireland
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What's the best time of day to strim around my three hive.

I thought maybe at dusk when they are all in bed. I'd still wear my PPE.

Most of my hives are pretty docile apart from when the strimmer comes out. I didn’t bother with my foam strips early on Sunday morning and they all went berserk! Lesson learned, I will now do it in the evenings and the strips will be back in till I am finished the job.
A few years ago I was at my Dad's who had one colony of bees which were quite docile - they were in his garden. The kids had been bought one of those flying balloons which you blew up and released into the air. It was a slow ascent with a screeching noise until the air ran out. When this happened I couldn't believe the way the bees attacked it until it fell back to the ground. Tried it a couple of times with the same result and quit in case they attacked someone - they didn't but it was interesting to watch.
A few years ago I was at my Dad's who had one colony of bees which were quite docile - they were in his garden. The kids had been bought one of those flying balloons which you blew up and released into the air. It was a slow ascent with a screeching noise until the air ran out. When this happened I couldn't believe the way the bees attacked it until it fell back to the ground. Tried it a couple of times with the same result and quit in case they attacked someone - they didn't but it was interesting to watch.
Ooh - where can I get one? 😁
Mine go for flying pigeons
I strim during the day and also mow. I used to have trouble with my old Briggs and Stratton engined mower but since the Honda has been relegated to apiary duty the bees are less bother.
Similarly a two stroke strimmer could cause disruption but I now have a big Honda 4 stroke strimmer and have less bother.

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