stoneleigh show

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hedgerow pete

Queen Bee
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
UK, Birmingham, Sandwell. Pork scratching Bandit c
Hive Type
hi all, finaly got to meet polyhive did not get aprouched by anyone else, either you saw me and walked the opposite way or iam billy no mates,
out of ten an average 6. to me it was worth going saved ?150 in postage and show savings after my out lays, meet some people i wanted to see but missed others deffinatly getting to cramped and over crowded in the two halls and the ticket price of ?17 for what???? you still had to pay to go to the talk shows ,
how did anyone else do, what did you think of it
Couldnt believe how crowded it was, only talked to a few fellow members of our local BKA who I saw in there, all the traders looked to be doing a roaring trade....I ended up saving a fair bit with show offers, but still have to question the entrance fee though.

It was amazing to see how much equipment there was getting shifted to cars in the car park, Thornes had just about sold everything in their economy range by about 1pm!!, and when I arrived there were pallets and pallets of the stuff.

A couple of traders, I did manage to chat with, were amazed by the amount of people taking up beekeeping this year, just hope this year is good for them and rewards them in thier new hobby
Sorry Hedgerow but it was not me, that was Murray McGregor.

I looked for you through the other place the enviro one but couldn't see you at all. Dave Cushman was there though and the older gentleman selling the Syrup was Hamish Robertson of Struan Apiaries, a major mentor of mine for many years.

The trade was down many were saying and as I posted ont he other thread the big ticket stuff is not moving.

Yes loads of beginners and to be honest a lot of very ignorant ones too.

I didn't even realise that the lectures were extra but to be honest there was nothing on that schedule I was interested in attending, I am skipping today to paint a room here instead.

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And a lot of beekeeping thieves!!
I seen well known long time beekeepers pocketing goods off the stands walking away not paying, Beekeepers are supposed to be respected straight and honest. Rubbish
This week end with beekeepers at the show is a good time to have had your hives stolen!!
And not by opportunists, guaranteed to be a beekeeper you know,
All the best mike
Yes loads of beginners and to be honest a lot of very ignorant ones too.

that was my overall impression but I couldn't tell the beginners from the oldies.

It seemed to me that the old(er) generation were quite happy to be rude and at times physically push you out of the way when we were stood in a scrum of people unable to move. 'I am old therefore have the right to be miserable'

This conversation took the buiscuit, it was between me and an elderly man with a white lab coat who seemed to be a steward stood just inside the main door.

Taff - excuse me, the falconry display.................

man, cutting my sentence off - I dont know, I dont know anything.

Taff - Oh, I only wanted to know where it is taking place.

Man - I dont know anything.

Taff - Oh, Err, are we here? (pointing to the main building on the map at the back of the programme)

Man - no response

Taff - Thanks, I think.

Man - I intentionally dont know anything, that way I cant be accused of giving anyone the wrong information.

FFS, this man was presumably there to help people but couldn't be more unhelpfull :confused: As it turned out all he needed it say is - 'its just up there' and pointed out of the door. :svengo:

Anyway, besides the people i quite enjoyed it, I bought some kit and quite enjoyed looking around the stalls and actually picking up bits and pieces and seeing them 'in the flesh'. We were pretty bemused as we walking in seeing people literally running back to their cars with big heavy boxes on sack trolleys, but it all became clear when we got to the Thornes stall to find empty pallets :(

will I go again? I really dont know tbh

The one good thing about the day is MrsTaff seems to be getting interested in it and might even come along and have a look at the bee's (when I eventually get some) :cheers2:
thornes three years ago apparently lost thousands of pounds in stock thats why they were down the bottom with security, as for the ticket price if you were to half it , i would think it better value, its the reason why i only go once every two years i cant justify it to the wife, as for the stewards, some where just little hitlers some were muppets and some like me were told nothing and then left blindly to get on with it the beek commity wanted only to sit at there table at the front doors, they did not evan think to put a sign where i was in the conservation area, so i was not impressed with the organization from the top, too busy slapping each other on the back(with knives alot of the time )from what i can see as for the frames well you should have seen the que's at 8am one hour before it opened , there was blokes running out to the fire doors to there mates with the trollies and running back in again to get more, i was sat there laughing my socks off the frames are only seconds not gold plated, i prefere to buy firsts they last longer and give me better value.

by the way hive maker you was right the wax from kbs is spot on i had a look at the lot and they are great, thanks for the tip
Makes a change for Thornes to be robbed and not the other way around :laughing-smiley-004
It was not thornes but two smaller supplyers!!
I helped a old fella carry 5 made up supers out the top hall the young big fat fella security on the door could not be botherd to get up off his bum to open the door or move out the doorway!
when he got bumped with a super on the leg he soon moved back out the way.i had a smile from ear to ear
all the best mike
THERS to be an almighty bust up with you and me if you give me more apple and pip lip my boy.
WHARE WAS YOU!!! the poor bu$?^r was puffin and blowin red in the face eyes rolling at the back of his head i thought i would have to give him the dreaded kiss,
he tippd me a pound though.
thats when i set mine eye on heather and i could not get rid of him.
i now feel like emptying the rest of the bottle so i bin told to SHUT UP
give me a ring peter
First Stoneleigh

My first time at the show and probably my last. Unfortunately I do not know any of you regulars by sight, and being an unassuming guy, new to beekeeping, (second season), did not make any overtones before hand. I have spoken to such eminent persons as Dave Cushman and Robin Dartington on the phone and several others by e-mail.

Arrive a little later than planned, I had an old neighbour for company who had chores to do before we left.

I found the display area to be cramped and unbearably hot and humid, (a bit like a hive).

I was suprised to see older members of the bee brigade staggering to their cars under unwieldy piles of equipment.

When the crowds thinned out and the stalls sold out I had some interesting demonstrations and discussions with sveral stall holders and was particularly impressed by a gentleman on EasyBees stand. I don't know whether this was Mike or not?

Fortunately my old friend met a schoolchum of his, who still has relations in our village. He and his wife were most helpful and informative and really made my day. I am a great believer in , 'Its a bad day when you do not learn something new!'

Any way, the two areas that captured my imagination talking to thia couple are queen rearing using mini nucs and the production and sale of comb honey. I was impressed by the Swienty system for the later.

Any help and advice on both topis please??:cheers2:
Producing comb honey is arguably advanced beekeeping.

In essence it is very easy, in reality it is not.

There is no point in being seduced by gadgets until there is the skill set to maximise them if they can in fact be so used.

I am not familiar with what you refer to but am pointing up the unpleasant fact that Sweinty produce kit for European beekeeping where the weather is just a bit more reliable than here.

I helped a old fella carry 5 made up supers out the top hall the young big fat fella security on the door could not be botherd to get up off his bum to open the door or move out the doorway!
when he got bumped with a super on the leg he soon moved back out the way.i had a smile from ear to ear
all the best mike

I'm not sure what you are trying to say here Mike, all I can gather from this post is that you enjoyed clouting someones shin with a piece of wood :smash: :confused::confused::confused:
i know what you mean poly hive i saw several "new" hives and several "new toys" sliding supers, filling cabinate hives ect great to look at but not to use, the one person i wanted to meet was dave ccushman to thank him for his web site i have plundered every thing i didnot know from that lot a great source of construction information as well as other things,but i missed him in the crowds, yes they realy could do with expanding the area of the stalls and to make more room
I agree Pete,I owe much to him with his website,many a winter evening I have spent on it for a few hours.
I thourghly enjoyed it even though it cost me ?30 & I arrived too late on Fri to do the lectures I wanted to attend.

I have met Dave and he is very knowledgeable.

He does refuse to join these forums and will only communicate on the email forums. Which is a knowledgeable loss to all of us on here.

He has that certain persona that these interlingual types have. It can be annoying to some people who do not realize and feel they are being talked down to. He also pushes you away to try and search fo more information your self. I his words "If you don't look for your self and do you home work the intellectuals will not have time for you they will just feel you need spoon feeding"

Dave was on the BIBBA stand Pete, and I had a very interesting chat with him.

He is a constant on the Irish list which I watch and very occasionally post on.
the thing i like about daves site is that you can get enough information to start some thing and when you get half way along you realise how he questions what he is doing and more importantly why, one of my problems with not having a strong mentor at the moment is , yes i have read the theory and understand the practical and i am sure after 30 years of practising i might me somewhere towards resonably good, but my biggest thing is why do we do these things they way we do and thats were everyone says thats the way we have always done it and for me thats not enough, and dave started thast process off in me