Some people should be banned from keeping bees

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Mar 9, 2016
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Gower, where all the fun happens
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Number of Hives
24 + a few nucs....this has to stop!
I previously mentioned a beek in an adjacent field with 3-4 hives. He doesn't treat, they die, next spring he buys a couple more nucs, doesn't manage them properly, they swarm, and we go round in circles.

Today I went to inspect my hives down this out apiary and had a chat with the land owner's daughter. She told me her mum and 2 people working for the wildlife trust got stung on the same day.

I was concerned about what was coming next but she told me it happened after that person had inspected his 2 hives in the field where his bees where. He was informed and his course of action was to go last night and kill the whole hive.

I was fuming when she told me and don't even understand why he didn't requeen, ask for advice or anything.
I could ask Dani as the family and those using the land are really environmentally friendly. I think I am also going to approach the beekeeping club and ask for them to do a couple of presentations on how to deal with feistier hives, requeen nasty hives, etc. I may offer to do it although someone else will have more experience @jenkinsbrynmair ?😉
I could ask Dani as the family and those using the land are really environmentally friendly. I think I am also going to approach the beekeeping club and ask for them to do a couple of presentations on how to deal with feistier hives, requeen nasty hives, etc. I may offer to do it although someone else will have more experience @jenkinsbrynmair ?😉
I'll come along for a laugh
I could ask Dani as the family and those using the land are really environmentally friendly. I think I am also going to approach the beekeeping club and ask for them to do a couple of presentations on how to deal with feistier hives, requeen nasty hives, etc. I may offer to do it although someone else will have more experience @jenkinsbrynmair ?😉
Please do if you can Jeff. It seems as if it’s becoming more of a problem these days.
I could ask Dani as the family and those using the land are really environmentally friendly. I think I am also going to approach the beekeeping club and ask for them to do a couple of presentations on how to deal with feistier hives, requeen nasty hives, etc. I may offer to do it although someone else will have more experience @jenkinsbrynmair ?😉
Is he actually a member of an association or just took it into his head to buy some equipment and bees?
I may offer to do it although someone else will have more experience @jenkinsbrynmair ?😉
I remember Ade Bowen when he was SBI coming to inspect the WGBKA apiary (and the hives belonging to the feral beekeeper) we finished the association hives then went down to Soweto as we called the feral beekeeper's area (both he and his bees were feral) and Ade just hid behind me!!
I could ask Dani as the family and those using the land are really environmentally friendly. I think I am also going to approach the beekeeping club and ask for them to do a couple of presentations on how to deal with feistier hives, requeen nasty hives, etc. I may offer to do it although someone else will have more experience @jenkinsbrynmair ?😉
Good suggestion. Without knowing the person it's hard to be sure if it's ignorance, being misinformed or just an unsavoury individual. Education option/building bridges is usually a good option to try to reach out and they may well know no better at present. If they won't be helped it's a different story but the fact they did something in response to people getting stung, even though it was a brutal an unnecessary course of action, to me suggests that they do care about being conscientious so may not be am entirely lost cause?

As for a ban... Impossible to police methinks!
Is he actually a member of an association or just took it into his head to buy some equipment and bees?
I am not sure. He bought his last nucs from the ex SBI so assume he is a member? To be honest, I hardly attend any of the meetings these days.

As Dani says, I would offer to do a presentation to pass on my knowledge and what I have picked up as excellent advice on here ... I fear though that some may need a full education on keeping bees!!
I previously mentioned a beek in an adjacent field with 3-4 hives. He doesn't treat, they die, next spring he buys a couple more nucs, doesn't manage them properly, they swarm, and we go round in circles.

Today I went to inspect my hives down this out apiary and had a chat with the land owner's daughter. She told me her mum and 2 people working for the wildlife trust got stung on the same day.

I was concerned about what was coming next but she told me it happened after that person had inspected his 2 hives in the field where his bees where. He was informed and his course of action was to go last night and kill the whole hive.

I was fuming when she told me and don't even understand why he didn't requeen, ask for advice or anything.
He is a Bee Owner not a Beekeeper
Doubtless he's incompetent, and doesn't sound like a good learner. But bees will often sting you if you dally in their flight path. They'll also get grumpy if you handle them roughly. And in my extensive experience with Amm-anyoldbee and her friends and relations, the stinging generally happens when the public fail to anticipate the natural behaviours of honeybees.

I started out with the tuition: "get Ken to sell you some frames and show you how to put wax in them. Then set it up and ring the police and tell them you collect swarms." Fussing about qualifications wasn't something that entered anyone's head. You got your hive, collected your swarm, and became a beekeeper.
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Doubtless he's incompetent, and doesn't should like a good learner. By bees will often sting you if you dally in their flight path. They'll also get grumpy if you handle them roughly. But in my extensive experience with Amm-anyoldbee and her friends and relatives, the stinging happens when the public fail to anticipate the natural behaviours of honeybees.

I started out with the tuition: "get Ken to sell you some frames and show you how to put wax in them. Then set it up and ring the police and tell them you collect swarms." Fussing about qualifications wasn't something that entered anyone's head. You got your hive, collected your swarm, and became a beekeeper.
Agree on qualifications often being unnecessary/counterproductive.

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