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Barbie bee

New Bee
Oct 15, 2019
Reaction score
South Shropshire
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As a total newbie in all this still I’m always looking for guidance and advice with my bees. Is there a blog or anyone on twitter or social media who posts regularly for me to follow? Especially through the dark nights when I can’t get outside. Doesn’t matter if it’s a keeper or company. It’s just nice for reassurance that I’m doing things right for my bees 🐝
You will find this forum covers most things. Just book in every day and press New Posts. You will see what everyone is talking about. There is a really good group in Knighton I can put you in touch with if you live near there
ITLD posts on Twitter and there are numerous FB groups.

As a total newbie in all this still I’m always looking for guidance and advice with my bees. Is there a blog or anyone on twitter or social media who posts regularly for me to follow? Especially through the dark nights when I can’t get outside. Doesn’t matter if it’s a keeper or company. It’s just nice for reassurance that I’m doing things right for my bees 🐝

A few beefarmers regularly post on Twitter, amongst them are Sheffield honey, calluna4u (Murray McGregor, posts on here as Into the Lions Den, ITLD), elmtreebees (Chris Manton), Stickeys Honey, black mountain honey, greengumbler (Jo Horsley).

There are numerous hobby beekeepers who post regulalry as well but if you follow the ones above you have the reassurance that they have years of experience spread over thousands of colonies and do what is required to make a living. To make a profit commercial beefarmers need strong healthy colonies and that is something all beekeepers should be aiming for.
The Apiarist blog

As a total newbie in all this still I’m always looking for guidance and advice with my bees. Is there a blog or anyone on twitter or social media who posts regularly for me to follow? Especially through the dark nights when I can’t get outside. Doesn’t matter if it’s a keeper or company. It’s just nice for reassurance that I’m doing things right for my bees ��

There is a lot of ill informed and badly presented stuff out there, especially from the US, so you need to be a little careful. Lots of people pushing their own agendas rather than providing useful information.

If you want something that is informative, reliable and above all readable it is difficult to beat this bloke's blog: As well as being a more than competent beekeeper, he happens to be an academic involved in research into bee viruses. His comments therefore tend to be more evidence based than some.

His stuff is also practical and useful - how to make your own bits and pieces, what works and what doesn't work. He posts on here as 'Fat Shark'. His most recent post (last night) relates to using DiPel Df to prevent waxmoth. DiPel is a minute fraction of the cost of Certan, the similar product sold by the usual beekeeping kit retailers. His blog saves you money...
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As a total newbie in all this still I’m always looking for guidance and advice with my bees. Is there a blog or anyone on twitter or social media who posts regularly for me to follow? Especially through the dark nights when I can’t get outside. Doesn’t matter if it’s a keeper or company. It’s just nice for reassurance that I’m doing things right for my bees 🐝

^^ Just to add.
As a total newbie in all this still I’m always looking for guidance and advice with my bees. Is there a blog or anyone on twitter or social media who posts regularly for me to follow? Especially through the dark nights when I can’t get outside. Doesn’t matter if it’s a keeper or company. It’s just nice for reassurance that I’m doing things right for my bees ��

I started beekeeping on this forum 10 years agp before I had any bees. Betweeen here and practical lessons at our Association Apiary I found you can achieve far greater and up to date information than currently practised in much of the UK.

I also follow:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author (ITLD) (The Apiarist) (Walrus)

And on YouTube:
Richard Noel
Michael Palmer (US)
The FatBeeman (US)

YouTube has some v good stuff and 100 times more rubbish - some of it downright dangerous.

Facebook? Totally unsuited to follow a subject in depth and lot of people who think they know everything and one size fits all..

Beekeeping has lots of answers : some irrelevant to local climates and flora and fauna.. and some totally wrong.. and a few muppets who pretend to be experts and post stolen pictures purporting to be of their own operations..

You need time and expertise to recognise bull excrement..there is a lot of it and outdated attitudes...a lot has changed since WW2 but some still use methods best suited to then...and ignore technological and biological changes.
As a total newbie in all this still I’m always looking for guidance and advice with my bees. Is there a blog or anyone on twitter or social media who posts regularly for me to follow? Especially through the dark nights when I can’t get outside. Doesn’t matter if it’s a keeper or company. It’s just nice for reassurance that I’m doing things right for my bees 🐝

Are you a member of ludlow beekeeping association or tenbury we have meetings in tenbury every month.
Do you have a mentor?
+1 for the apiarist

There are lots of good podcasts out there if you want to hear people chat about bee.
There are some good FB groups. Scottish Beekeepers, Scottish Beginners and Improvers to name but two.

Just to add a some UK youtube channels:

search youtube for:

The Norfolk Honey Company - very good info
John Bee Man Saunders - I just enjoy watching this guy.
Try "queens beans and curiosities" - a little alternative, but very entertaining - especially about swarms.
Hi @GermanPark and welcome to the forum. It's a great resource so browse around.
Do you have beekeeping clubs where you live? Joining one would be a good start. You can't beat hands on experience.
Beekeeping in the UK differs a little from that in The States. Our format is different and very often the bees are too though we do have "Buckfast" in common
Whereabouts are you?
I have one hive that has loads of followers. I can't get rid of them. They'll follow me at least 100 yards from the hive and hang around for ages. I'll sell them to you if you want. Best be quick though, as the queen has an appointment with a gatepost come the Spring.


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