As someone who was informed over the phone by my GP that I have it and as my symptoms started last Thursday can I drive up to Dartmoor for a walk tomorrow as I can't now pass it on?
The general feeling around here, particularly among the running community, is that the rules are nonsense. My OH is 1 day behind me re symptoms and once the cough and snot clears she wants to get back running. She is thoroughly P'd off as she broke her ankle on 1/12/19 (running on the moor of course) and was just getting back in her stride and was aiming for another 1/2 marathon before the over 70 lockdown arrived. With the Gym closures she can't attend her 3 pilates classes or her hour in the Gym with a PT per week. Yes she's determined not to grow old gracefully
Once you are out of your car you have xx square miles to self isolate.