
Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
I can see the sense in asking some questions so that a FAQ can be built up on a forum and I can also see pure bloody idleness.

To be honest and arrogant there are not that may Q's that send me to my library but yes a few do and having looked them up I then wonder to myself is it worth posting?

Why should I?

I spent my hard earned cash (try wet tripping dill pipe on a semi at four am?) on my books and spent many hours reading, if you like studying them, and folk come on to the web, rattle the keyboard with what at times seem idle questions and expect answers.

I know I know. People are idle buggers mostly and it seems the web makes them even more so.

Two things have stood out this week. One was a genuine problem that having done some cross checks I agree was a real issue and that was the Q about Royal Jelly. I answered that one as it was knowledge buried in amongst the adverts. There is one on the forum I am not going to answer as it is blatent idleness.

A thinker would post: "I was in my bath thinking and wondered why xyz happens. I went on line and did some searching and found this answer... "xxxx" Would any of the more experienced agree with this answer or is it local to the states for instance?

Try it.

Instead of using the shotgun approach.

I that was the Q about Royal Jelly.

I have tried to get answer to 2 years ago and I did not get it. Bodybuilders have their own truth about the stuff. But what I do with knowledge if I know the content of jelly? It is enough to me when bees know it.:)
I can see what you mean PH, I have asked many questions that I could have googled.

But what then is the point of a forum. We might as well go back to the "good old days" of solitary beekeepers.

Yes there are associations, but not all of us can get to them (i.e when on a jack-up when the mud has gone wrong at 2am !!!) so the forum is our association.

I am on many forums, and on each of them I would class myself in different skil levels ranging from a beginner to advanced, but along with others on these forums, all questions are answered regard less of how daft or if they have been asked 1 million times before.

Regardless of which beekeeping forum you go on (Even your old one!) this same old topic crops up. Its like the older you get (more experienced!) the less you want to help people and would rather turn it into some kind of tutorial or learning exercise.

The answer is simple, either grit your teeth and ignore it (but not helpful to a forums progression!) or politely direct them or just give them the answer.


Right I am now off to post a question on which is the best hive tool!

I have tried to get answer to 2 years ago and I did not get it. Bodybuilders have their own truth about the stuff. But what I do with knowledge if I know the content of jelly? It is enough to me when bees know it.

Yes, but I looked in the books I HAD and didnt get a satisfactory answer - and no- it doesnt improve my beekeeping Finman but I was interested to know a little more about the substance - so THOUGHT the forum was the place to ask -
What is it about Beekeepers !! why do they feel they should not repeat themselves or answer trivial questions, this is the first discipline i have entered into where posting a simple question or asking the same question twice becomes an issue.

I have played many sports and coached over the years, in each discipline people enter into it as a hobby, and i get asked the same things daily, weekly, monthly and annually, i always gave the same answer and with a smile, we were in it for the love of the sport so what did it matter.

Its the same with hobbies i have, outside of beekeeping, its never an issue.

Why, oh Why, oh Why is it such a biggie with Beekeepers ?? This post is not directed at any one individual, i have experienced it on many forums, and with the Association.
I have a couple of questions,can't find the answer in any books.
whats at the end of infinity,the end of space,the end of forever. And also what was here before the supposed big bang,what was before nothing?
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What is it about Beekeepers !! why do they feel they should not repeat themselves or answer trivial questions, this is the first discipline i have entered into where posting a simple question or asking the same question twice becomes an issue.

I have played many sports and coached over the years, in each discipline people enter into it as a hobby, and i get asked the same things daily, weekly, monthly and annually, i always gave the same answer and with a smile, we were in it for the love of the sport so what did it matter.

Its the same with hobbies i have, outside of beekeeping, its never an issue.

Why, oh Why, oh Why is it such a biggie with Beekeepers ?? This post is not directed at any one individual, i have experienced it on many forums, and with the Association.

Well said Sweetums. . . . . and I totally agree.

I have a couple of questions,can't find the answer in any books.
whats at the end of infinity,the end of space,the end of forever. And also what was here before the supposed big bang,what was before nothing?

I may answer to you

at the end of infinity = nothing

the end of space = nothing or another space

the end of forever = limited present

Before big bang was = that I do not know

what was before nothing = nothing
So what was or is the nothing. and what is the nothing beyond the end of space.
The answer's to your questions are easy:

Once upon a time there was this guy called god who had a son called jesus.
Taxi for admin,I will get my coat:laughing-smiley-004
Is it true that we beekeepers are more impatient and less tolerant than the average person? Perhaps we are. I get a lot out of asking (stupid?) questions. I appreciate the answers. I hope that if people think they are stupid questions they will just ignore me. :svengo:
This is one thread where I will definitely not be posting an answer of any description.

Hivemaker you sound a bit down, but in all honesty a forum is a place where questions can be asked and hopefully answers can be forthcoming. I ask questions not out of 'not knowing' but to enlighten others to think about the question I have asked, then we all learn a little bit more regarding beekeeping.

I am sorry if I have annoyed you by asking a question but I will still ask questions when I think its relevant. Sorry mate.

Your forum needs you!!!!


Just seen post above- to me there are NO stupid questions.
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Bcrazy, you have not annoyed me,and no,i'm not a bit down,just trying to get poly hives interest in answering the question i have asked, or anyone else,as its not a nice easy one to answer,i and i would love to know the answer.Do you know it?

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