Price check Fondant

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Field Bee
Jun 25, 2009
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I posted this in another thread a while back and don't think i had any response so will try again!:cheers2:

I'm about to place a bulk order for fondant and wanted to check what other people are hearing on prices, i have rung all my sources and most came back at £9.50 but one at £9.20, has anyone heard anything cheaper, would be for delivery to Essex and would be about 1.5mt.

Any info greatly recieved,

Cheapest I've found so far is £15 per 12.5kg. I can buy sugar at about £9 per 15kgs. CB where can you get it at £9.20 and does that include delivery?

Yes delivery included, its from BFP wholesalers but think they would only entertain big orders delivered to residential addresses.
Bako 12.5 kg per box =9.35,per ten box's = 8.95 pallet or one ton = 8.65 per box.

got a web site for them please?

tis ok got he site, and how do you feed it?

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PH I feed it in large pieces placed in margarine tubs(1Kg ones), with a 1.5 - 2 inch hole in the lid, turned upside down over the brood frames in winter inside a super with 4 or so frames removed, directly over the cluster of bees. can be used the same way anytime of year. I've found its helpful to smear a little honey over the surface of the fondant when first placing in on the colony though because it mustn't have any scent to attract the bees. I find that sometimes they dont seem to realise its there...hence the smear of honey, which soon gets them started on it.
Not sure what Viscount(Grimsby) are charging this year,I placed a large order last year but cancelled when the courier went bust.

I went with Bako in the end through my local baker.

In fact I did him a favour because he was paying around £12 a box until I informed him he should be paying around seven to eight pound.
Bako 12.5 kg per box =9.35,per ten box's = 8.95 pallet or one ton = 8.65 per box.

Which branch of Bako are you asking? and for what quantity as London and South East are coming in at £9.50 for my quantity!
Which branch of Bako are you asking? and for what quantity as London and South East are coming in at £9.50 for my quantity!

Was that an internet price from Bako ? or from a Telephone call ;)
Like I said earlier in the thread my local baker was paying £12.50 a box :svengo:
Was that an internet price from Bako ? or from a Telephone call ;)
Like I said earlier in the thread my local baker was paying £12.50 a box :svengo:

Phone call to my local rep who needed a big stick to get him down to £9.50!
PH - Peter Edwards of Stratford runs over 100 colonies and uses fondant as his main means of winter feeding. As described in Hivemaker's link. Really easy and flexible as you can put it on early to be taken down for the winter stores, or add pieces at any time in the winter if they're getting light.

You may need to moisten a kitchen carving knife to get it to cut through the length of the block as in the article, and having the block at room temperature rather than cold helps. We discussed this on the Irish List last winter, and different people do different things (of course!). Some just cut fat slices off the big block, and cover the piece with cling film to keep it moist.

Have had a chat with my local Rep it appears Bako may trade under the same name nationally but different areas are run seperatley with regard pricing and membership rules.

The 'retail' price to most bakers and catering outlets is £12.50/box if ordering small quantities, so £9.50 or below isn't too bad.

I just got a 12.5kg box from my local bakery. They charged me £9.83.

They did show me it in their catalogue first and it had a price of £9, I'm not sure where the 83p comes from, I did expect VAT on it but it doesn't work out at 15%. Maybe its their margin :D
Anyhow very happy they got it in for me, I had to pay another bakery £3 for a little bit for my mating nuc the other day:ack2:
Yeah I think it would have been cheaper to buy a load of iced buns and scrap the fondant off then eat the buns :D
Hi Crazy- Bull
I get my fondant from the local baker. 12.5kg for £8.60, as much as I like when I like

John D

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