New member looking for residential training

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New Bee
Apr 14, 2011
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First of all apologies if this is the wrong part of the forum – if it is could one of the moderators please move it to the correct area

Hi everyone, I’m looking for a residential beekeeping course for a complete novice as I intend to establish a couple of hives in my orchard on my smallholding.
I’m leaving my current employment in the summer to concentrate on the smallholding and my employer is generously paying for some retraining, my training budget is rather meagre but my food and accommodation budget is very generous – hence looking for residential training.

Can anyone offer any advice as to where I may find such training? I’ve seen the The Kingcombe Centre course, has anyone had any experience of this course?

An alternative for me would be to find some residential work experience if such a thing exists in the beekeeping world; once again my employer pays generously for this.

All advice and comment are most welcome

Don't know about the Kingcombe course but the tutors are well-known reputable beekeepers.

I've sent you a PM.

There are some residential courses run by monks (?) in SW England.. and some in Ireland iirc..