New English beekeeping group

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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
Consider this a poll with out a poll.

If such an organization was to be founded would you as an individual be willing to put your hand in your pocket and fund it to say the tune of £20. If not £20 then how much less or more?

Do you agree it will need a steering committee to get off the ground.

What aims would you like to see it achieve? And let's be just a tad realistic here hmm?


10 reads and not one comment, voting in silence it seems?
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£20 would be acceptable to me.

Don't all organisations eventually go the same way in time?
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Why? As a newb to this, I'm not familiar with the history of the BBKA, I just know there is history. £20 doesn't seem too much to fund a worthwhile organisation.
No endorsements
£20 is not too much.

It would need a committee, but with a light touch, so as not to get top heavy and burdened by beaurocracy and costs as the other organisation is.
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You would never know going by your username :D

I'm surprised that you allow this sort of racist* bile on your forum admin :boxing_smiley:

PH - For £20, what do you expect to be providing the membership? what is the objective? what is your goal and how do you plan on achieving that goal?

I have very recently walked away from a club and committee because of the 'minority working for the majority' mentality, or in other words we did everything for everyone. how do you see your plans differing from this?

sorry they are challenging questions but they are meant to be constructive not negative

*calm down, firmly toung in cheek ;)
Don't all organisations eventually go the same way in time?

Indeed. It is called entropy, a term borrowed from thermodynamics, and will ultimately lead to the death of the universe.


JC. (another one for you o90o ;))
Didnt know Somerset was a Welsh county, do you you nip over the border to keep your identity?:mixed-smiley-005:

does Nationality stop when you cross a border? do you become Spanish when your plane touches down in Alacante?

Living and working in Somerset does not make me an Englishman ;)
can I have that in simplified english please?

who's Groucho Marx?

My apologies Taff, :)

Grouch Marx was an American film star and comedian, supposedly famous for his wit.

He said (approximately), that he wouldn't join any club that would have him for a member.


p.s. I support his view in my personal case too ;)
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My apologies Taff, :)

Grouch Marx was an American film star and comedian, supposedly famous for his wit.

He said (approximately), that he wouldn't join any club that would have him for a member.


p.s. I support his view in my personal case too ;)

Thanx JC. :cheers2:

I agree with him at the moment, I've spent the last 3 years doing a hell of a lot of work for the club (dog agility btw), organised 2 shows in the last year (a hell of a lot of work, July's show had over 300 dogs there!!), did 150 mile round trip to train other people every thurs night and didn't receive any training from the club instead I pay for 1-1 tuition from someone else :ack2:
You have my sympathies Taff.

Maybe Clubs are a bit like religions, ....... If you want a really good one, start your own.

Er, who started this "www.beekeepngforum" club, er, religion, er forum 'thingy' then ?

You have my sympathies Taff.

Maybe Clubs are a bit like religions, ....... If you want a really good one, start your own.

Er, who started this "www.beekeepngforum" club, er, religion, er forum 'thingy' then ?

Time to come clean HH :leaving:

John Wilkinson
I agree with Taff that we need to know why we need one, what it's objectives are and how we will achieve them. Also the make-up of the dreaded "steering committee". I'm not being flippant but it needs thinking through.

When I get those answers I can then decide.
Consider this a poll with out a poll.

If such an organization was to be founded ....
What aims would you like to see it achieve? And let's be just a tad realistic here hmm?



I think we're being asked to propose the aims and objectives, rather than simply consider PH's own ideas.

Personally, I see no need for any other formal organisation. I have my local BKA, there's the BBKA which provides good educational support, and any number of websites and forums like this one.

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