Natural Beekeeper

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May 27, 2009
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As a relatively new Beek ( 5 Years) I took a decision last Summer , after a Winter of 60% losses to leave 1 out of my 3 Hives as nature intended

ie I didn't take any Honey in the Autumn, i didn't feed them all season
I didn't do the checks for swarming nor did i disturb them every week to check for queens, larva,eggs etc i just left them to their own devices.
I took great pleasure in watching them from the outside so to speak, only occasionally opening the hive to check all was as it should be.
I didnt treat for varroa, didnt treat with oxalic etc...etc...

This was by no means a scientific experiment, it was more of a placebo?
The upshot of this, was they came through winter in the same healty condition as my other 2 hives, i may have been lucky i don't know but i am repeating the experiment again this year.

I am not recommending this for all beeks, but i am sure it will generate some lively debates on this forum
I've been reading a lot about it recently, and have found it utterly fascinating (and have just put the finishing touches to a Warré hive.......):)