My bees are flying today

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New Bee
Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
Kent - Member of MBKA
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It is bright and 44 degrees today. I have 3 x WBC hives in the garden and they are all very active. Does anyone else have flying bees?
Both my outside hives are active.

Seem to be taking an interest in my cherry tree.... Might just find it handy for having a rest in the sun.
i have my hives in a walled garden temp 10C and the hive in the NW corner that gets the most Sun was so active i thought at first it was being robbed but they were actual bringing in pollen from a Cabbage Tree ( Australian Cordlyne) thats in flower

but those shaded from the Sun by a bush had just a few undertakers pushing out the dead
Let's hope they don't get caught out by a sudden drop in temperature later this afternoon.
Three full size hives and 2 nucs were all very busy (well, one colony not quite as busy as the rest when I looked) in the garden, so I am pleased for the bees. Nothing more than I expected really, for this time of the year, given a warm spell after the cold patch.

Any colony lost, due to the weather, over the past 2-3 weeks should be regarded as a real 'downer' for the beek. I would be expecting even my weakest colonies to still be going OK at this time of the year/after this cold patch!

Regards, RAB
Ours are out too.

If they are out at this time of the year - is it always for cleansing flights?

If they go out for other things, how can you tell which are on cleansing flights, assuming you're not underneath them at the time ;) ?
Checked this afternoon and one hive in the sun very active. Saw one bee on the front rushing around another, almost looked like it was cleaning it, would love to know whar was going on - dont think it was attacking as the other didnt seem at all perturbed
A bee from the other hive that has drifted across and is requesting entry, is one guess.

Regards, RAB
Mine only active when a few guards emerged to check me out whilst I was hefting. Incidentally, one side felt a little light so I think the fondant will be going on in the next few weeks.

Ben P
Today was "weigh day". All hives were active, cleansing flights and general leg/wing stretching. Hive weights are holding up well, in the last 3 weeks they have consumed an average of 1.75kg/3.9lbs of stores. Even so they will get a pack of fondant after OA in the New Year as belt and braces.
Mine were happily bustling around for most of the day - straffed me near the hive...
My Bees out today looking as if they were enjoying the sun. I have given them some fondant in a Chinese tub as recommended in the forum. I guess its probably too early but I only got Bees for the first time this July and am really worried about them surviving. I have been told not to worry about putting floor in or insulating crown board by my mentor....
Hi all

Mine all flying today and yesterday, one hive still has drones, apart from that all looks good.
Susan,nothing wrong in giving extra fondant this time of year.
They will take it if they need it and leave alone if not.

Its better to throw away any fondant left on the crownboard in spring rather than find a starved hive dead.

I am waiting for the next cold snap next week and then I will check all hives for weight.

I was shocked to see mine flying today as it felt colder than it must of been.

It was great to see some bees,brought a smile to my face all afternoon.
It was great to see some bees,brought a smile to my face all afternoon

Doesnt take a lot to amuse us does it...:lurk5:

Must admit I spent a couple of hours watching mine....

from the warmth of the house....
After all the worry of my late Varroa infestation it was blooming marvelous to see the girls out and about enjoying the rise in temperature. Took the opportunity to sneak on a take away container of home made fondant over the feeder hole of the crown board. Still hefting quite a weight but I'm taking no chances.