ALl this stuff about "Natural Selection is best" is garbage.
Because if you select naturally to be the best to survive in your local habitat.. whatever it may be - and it changes rapidly - you are selected for a habitat no longer suitable. Just think of natural disasters . The dinosaurs were supremely well adapted: and flourished for millions of years. Then bang ! they were all extinct within a very short timescale and the next to be king was a tiny mammal which evolved over the next 60 million years to be the most adaptable and ruthless of all mammals : us. We have evolved so we can live as Eskimos in the cold of the Arctic and hunter gatherers in South American jungles.
Look at the wolf: a brilliant hunter: but it met a better one. Now more domesticated wolves bred to live with humans (BRED: not Evolved) live in the world than wolves. (eg approx 250,000 grey wolves,47 million dogs.)
Whether you like it or not, we change populations of animals and insects and have done so for at least 20,0000 years. We are changing the climate.. We will adapt to it: many species are incapable of doing so.
Pushing natural selection is best when man is busy changing the environment and the climate is like saying : the world will stay still. It will not when man is alive.
See also wheat, sweet corn, sugar,. cows, sheep. potatoes, brussel sprouts, cabbage, rice and all the products of selection by Man. We change the environment far faster than natural selection can work.