London and the south - supers on still ?

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Jul 18, 2011
Reaction score
sarf london/surrey
Hive Type
Number of Hives
5 hives
not trying to get a north south divide going on intentionally but ...

for those of us in London and the south ... how long are you keeping your supers on for ?
I’ve still got my supers on, have Himalayan Balsam and lime trees still going here in Rickmansworth. Plan to leave them on until I see the Ivy starting to flower.
There's still activity down here on the south coasts...going to have a good look this weekend and might take off and extract but depends on forecast.. if it looks like an Indian summer might leave a super on strongest colonies but I'm more inclined to let them have whatever is left of the summer and all the lvy ... which is always much later down here .. no signs of buds yet. Can't believe those telling me they have ivy in flower... might need to look in their plant books to check.
I'm in Suffolk and have Ivy in my garden and it's not even budded properly yet.
Took mine off last week as weather turned and thought they would start eating it

Winter preparation started no sign of ivy flowering here
Took mine off last week as weather turned and thought they would start eating it

Winter preparation started no sign of ivy flowering here

Same here - half of the hives have them removed, others are planned this weekend. The bees can then add nectar for their own use through September and should need minimal feeding.
Ivy in the greatgreygreenslimeytamarrivervalleyallsetaboutwithgrokklesandemmets***
is just about bursting with buds.
Rosebay willow herb is just going over with the air full of floaty fairies... and the H. balsom that the Environment Agency have missed ( and that seems to be most of it) is still giving up nectar and pollen and some swollen with seed.... some parts of the Tamar Valley still have bramble in flower... wild carrot ...
And even an rosen wyn, which only thrives in Cornwall........

In London I dare say the Christmas windows are being dressed... and M&S have got the winter coats out already!!!

* grokkles and emmets...for those up country... the Tamar flows between the countries of England ( the Devon side) and the Dutchy of Kernow ( the Cornish side) ... before the pedant somewhere in the far West of the county corrects my mistake!!!

Chons da
Ive had little flow here in West London for 6 weeks...only managed total 3 supers across 8 hives which is really poor (Early June harvest was 8 supers).
HB is going crazy at the Syon House apiary now though, every 2nd bee is a white bee. The gardeners have said they are going to let it flourish this year (they normally cut it and have it removed along the river.)

I'm hoping for late August and early September continuation of HB but also fields of hawksbeard so will keep hoping.
I've got 1 super left on each of 3 hives which have nothing capped and barely half full of nectar, I'm going to give them another few days before taking off.
Ivy is in bud here in SE London so won't be long.
The spring and early summer crop has been enormous, but the late flow hasn't happened.
I am what is classed as a beginner ..i have had over 300lb of honey from my little Darlings work upto now..most of that is from two colones..and i have nineteen supers to get through over the next two weekends..if i had less i may think about buying more mated Queens...from good stock..
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Took a super off each hive last week,
The bees have cleaned the spun frames for me, so will be storing them this week.
Still lots being collected including balsam.
So wont be taking off the remaining supers till the end of the month.
Too early for ivy here as yet
Hey Millet, should think you had a few of mainly phacelia honey. What are your views on taste, consistency and colour?

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