That's because there are few people with those skills left in the general population .. and in reality it takes an enquiring mind to apply them to bees. Given that most experienced hobby beekeepers learn how to do things by following what others do - and tend to repeat the same things year after year - the hobby does not encourage original thinking and a scientific approach - i.e measure things before and after a change.
Not helped by our weather which makes analysing the effect of any changes rather difficult !
Thing that struck me about beekeeping when I took it up was it's almost total lack of numeracy. People who keep records of numbers - except pounds of honey - are the exception. Hive weights, dates of first flowering of local key crops, queen rearing success rates, stings per hive, frames of brood in spring etc are all quantifiable measurements notable by their exclusion from almost all books, record keeping and thinking.. and yet for any beekeepers they are useful measures..
If you don't measure it , you cannot control it.