Is it time to put the foundation in the frames yet?

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Queen Bee
Nov 7, 2008
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Understand that foundation loses its suppleness and becomes less attractive to bees if made up and left standing, but in April I want to change some of the brood comb and will need new foundation in some of supers too. So how soon is too soon to start putting the foundation in the frames?
I am also in the same situation, so await some replys.

But given that the wax is not in sealed air tight bags, what differecne does it make?
The most important thing is where you store your wax or waxed frames. At room temperature the wax will stay "fresh" for ages, whether in a frame or a plastic bag. In a cold shed it might go brittle.
A few years ago I spoke to Wynne Jones (probably cheapest foundation) who told me he kept unsold foundation under his bed over winter.
Foundation age does not affect on bees will to build combs. They draw everything which they get. If the wax is not good, bees tear down the wax (like mold spoiled combs).

If you give foundation during good nectar flow, bees start to build combs but if they are not ready to do it, they don't do. I have noticed that bees are not willing to draw foundations or half made combs before dandelion flow.

I keep my foundations in outer building where temperature may drop to -20C. They do not brittle because I do not handle them during winter time.
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Is the answer that this is not something that makes much difference and we shouldn't worry about it????
sounds like it to me,

so will be making up frames now at my leisure rather than in a mad panic during an inspection when I spot a queen cell and need to do an artifical swarm!
AH noooooo! not frame making,that means I will have to get the Dab radio out for radio4 for a couple of afternoons.

I am ok for about the first 30,then start to think of excuses why I shoud stop.
I just made 150 frames up it really does do your head in. Mind you the stella helped a bit :)
I do 10 to 15 a time then stop.

Then the same a day later.

I think that making up frames is a rite of passage for the apprentice beekeeper. Although at 15 she looks at me with a look that says, " I already know more than you ever did or will do", I think that is just confidence. No bad things have happened to her... and she is stalking me wanting to learn about beekeeping... so making up frames is an essential part of her education.
It is too early.

Foundation should be inserted just before you offer it to the bees.

However that ever so handy tool the Hair Dryer can be used to a, remove bloom, which by the way is not an issue of any sort at all provided said hiar dryer is used to remove it and b, to freshen up the smell again before it is given to the bees.


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