Installing nucs

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Queen Bee
Nov 10, 2008
Reaction score
Maesteg South Wales
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As the time is approaching for me to pick up my nucs, would it be ok to put the 2 nucs into the hives on one stand?

The stands i have made hold 2 hives about 18 inches apart.
Can i install the nucs into these hives on the same day or is it better to do one then the other on another day?
I would put the nuc on the stand for a day to get located first. Think of the stress issue here.

I would have clear spacing between the stands. So no, not on the same stand.

I have put two nucs at either end of a double stand both at the same time without any apparant difficulties, space between was about 2 feet.

No doubt.

"The stands i have made hold 2 hives about 18 inches apart.
Can i install the nucs into these hives on the same day or is it better to do one then the other on another day?"

Take nucs home and transfer to hive same time. So no. Not a great idea.

Veg, best to pickup your nuc's and place on there new stand,or two separate stands if you have the room,the extra space on your stand will come in useful at a later date for other colony manipulations.
Open up the entrance to the nuc,preferably in the evening when you get them home,they will have all night then to settle down,leave them the following day to get there bearings/used to where they are,following day transfer nuc into full size hive up against one wall of the brood box in the same order as they come out of the nuc,spot the queen if poss, you then know she is safely transfered,then couple frames of foundation and a dummy board,then a feed of syrup,but not too much feed,don't want them to just clog up the frames with sealed stores,as they draw frames you can move any without eggs towards the outside and move another frame of foundation in. do not split the brood nest. then do the same to the other nuc, same day or next day. keep entrance small until they build up strength.
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Thanks Hivemaker. Is what I meant just too damn tired to type it out.

Thats okay PH, i knew what you meant,and i expect you are tired,worse to come at Easter young man.
You have no idea... plus decorating plus installing an en-suite plus a full hotel..

Interesting eh?

I am sat here thinking PH that you are very used to working hard for 3 weeks at a time without a break,you just dont get 3 weeks off at a time after though. :svengo:

Sorry for hijacking the thread. Back to the wonderful world of Nucs.

Which I always think are great fun.

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Cross checking

Interesting to see that the initial Q posted for this thread is also on the other forum.

I have to ask you VEG why you felt the need to do so especially when some of the advice given was total rubbish? A beeless complete novice posting in confidence indeed...LOl

I thought that was quite amusing as well or worrying depending on how you look at it.
Its actually quite interesting sometimes to view the same topic on each thread, to see the response.

A clear example of this would be jim beekepers recent nuc sale, compare and contrast the responses, though bear in mind that some were put in the rubbish bin and some deleted without trace. Ironically my contribution was put in the bin for adding nothing to the thread, but i fail to see what most of the posts had added.
Have a look its quite an eye opener.

You may remember i posted a question about mobile phone masts some of the replies i got from some people on here were more of an attack on me than anything to do with what i asked.

So by posting on both forums i can filter out some of the crap unhelpfull comments.
There are some on the other forum that know what they are doing.

I also see you still post there or someone with the same name.
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Yes I post there too.

Yes some do. And for damn sure some do not.

Can't say I remember anything about mobile phone masts but FWIW there was a huge debate not that long ago about pylons and the emanations from them affecting bees but it dies a death as no doubt will moby masts.

So by posting on both forums i can filter out some of the crap unhelpfull comments.

That is a wise move. There are people with an axe to grind on both forums and people who want to further their knowledge of beekeeping on both as well.
I have an axe to grind too but I am honest about it.

I fib I maybe have two.

Poly Hives and frame feeders.
