How much syrup will a nuc take?

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Field Bee
Aug 5, 2009
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Near Andover Hampshire
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Yesterday i popped a feeder into my newly collected swarm (saturday collection, sunday introduction)
How much are they likley to take, and when would you guys expect to refill?

Its a 1 litre feeder.

I quickly checked today and they hadnt touched it.
Before anyone asks the obvious, yes i did make sure that they could access it ok lol
Did you dribble some around ? they cant smell syrup so may not know its there.
I've never had much luck in feeding my colonies in the past (sugar water, fondant, damp sugar or pollen patties), they never seem to want it. However I keep trying just in case they do.

I've tried all sorts of methods in the past but this time I've finally got round to using a frame feeder. I put in two and half pints of sugar water with a little lemon juice and vitafeed green for the swarm I picked up last friday.

Don't be surprised if they dont take it if there is even a hint of the real thing to be collected.
Don't be surprised if they dont take it if there is even a hint of the real thing to be collected.

I reckon mine are just lazy then... there is plenty around me available to them naturally... which they are out collecting happily - but they are still taking pint after pint of syrup!

I think I'll use up the last of what I made the other day (probably another 2 frame feeders-worth), and then I'll stop feeding.
I reckon mine are just lazy then... there is plenty around me available to them naturally... which they are out collecting happily - but they are still taking pint after pint of syrup!

I think I'll use up the last of what I made the other day (probably another 2 frame feeders-worth), and then I'll stop feeding.

Keep giving it to them if they are taking it. Always better to have too much than not enough as the colony expands. Although I never had this problem last year many beeks talk about the June gap when some colonies have been known to starve to death but this does depend on the amount and types of forage you have in your area.
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Well, earlier i sprayed the feeder on the outside with syrup, and made sure plenty went down the inner tube to attract them up into the feeder.

They still arent using it, so i nipped up the road and bought a couple of the upside down feeders. (the small bucket type with gauze on the lids, bloody rip off those things are)

I just hope that it doesnt empty itself down the frames. I dont trust them type.

I just went to see the swarm I put into a nuc last week with the frame feeder in, and I'm converted frame feeders are the best thing since sliced bread. :hurray: Of course I'm joking :D
but its the first time I've ever had a colony take any feed I've given them. So dont give up with the idea of feeding but remember if they dont want it they won't take it.
I went along today with good intentions to give my nuc a small amount of syrup just to give them a hand and tipped the contact feeder over and the lid came off and the syrup in the grass.
Just as well this was well away from the hive and not over the hive or even me.
Frame feeders just work and if they dinna want it then they winna touch it.


The bees will prefer nectar.

The other thing is that you don't want them to fill up what will be the brood nest and everywhere else with stores... so perhaps you don't need to worry in they have an income?
I am only going on what i have been advised to do! Its just foundation so am trying to get them to draw the frames out, and get a move on! There is a very nice commercial waiting for them as soon as they are ready.
Sorry, must have been badly worded. What I was trying to say is perhaps you don't need to worry too much, unless the weather turns very bad.

What I would advise is that you spray syrup on the undrawn foundation - both sides. The bees will lick it off and it will encourage them to draw the foundation one the foundation smells more of bees.

spray syrup on the undrawn foundation - both sides. The bees will lick it off and it will encourage them to draw the foundation one the foundation smells more of bees.


Karin not heard that before but I can see the sense in it and will give it a go if needed, I take it that works for supers being added to established colonies as well or is that an un-necessary complication that would not buy you much advance?
Actually, if you have summer in Britain, you need not to feed the swarm.
Note, it was a swarm and not a nuc. Nuc has brood it gets new workers but the swarm must wait 4 weeks before it gets new workers. Before that the number of bees will be halved.

Swarm has 3 days food with them. With that they build part of combs.

How much the swarm take syrup? So much that the queen has no space to lay.

To spay sugar on foundatiosn helpes nothing. Encouirage- bees surely draw combs without human aid or encouraging.

If the beekeeper is nervous, he may make what ever with swarm, but they do not deserve that kind of handling.

It is better that a swarm does not have much food because it blocks the brood area.

And ofcourse, not extra foundations. Give them space only that much what they occupye.

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