Hello From London

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New Bee
Jun 7, 2014
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Hive Type
Hello 😃
I'm a new bee keeper in London.....well to be precise I'm not sure if I'm a beekeeper yet or not, but I have 3 hives.

My family has always kept bees (in sunny Wales) so I sort of know what I'm doing but well aware that I probably know very little!

I set up three catch hives late last year & very little happened 😔
This year however two of my hives have had some interest, one in particular has been like gatwick during half term!

For four weeks now there have been bees coming and going all day every day.
This catch hive consists of
A brood box & A Super both have some old frames with drawn out foundation (some without)
I put about half a jar of honey (my dad's honey not shop bought) over the frames and a bit of sugar syrup as well.

My question really is how can I tell if I have a swarm or I'm being robbed? Iv only seen one bee entering with pollen most seem not to be carrying any. I was surprised to see them still flying during a shower today (although not as many)

Surely if they were robbing they would of emptied the hive in week one/two?

I intend to have a look soon but would rather know if I can without disturbing them too much! So I can be prepared with new foundation frames to put on straight away.

Any advice much appreciated!

Take the jar of honey out, it just encourages robbing/wasps/ants. Maybe put a few drops of lemon balm on top of your frames. Drawn out comb should attract them I was told there is little chance of a swarm going into your bait hive, and one went into mine this year (after 3 years). If you think there is a swarm in there, open it up on a nice day, middle of the day should do. I would take the super off until most of your frames in the brood box are covered in bees.
Thanks for the advice Duchy!

We are in Business:winner1st:
Took the roof and cover board off today, I have 5 Super frames covered in bees, off to park tomorrow to buy some more foundation.

Very happy to now be able to call my self officially a bee keeper and not just a hive keeper!

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