Heather alert

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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
Just been up in the high Derbyshire countryside for three days R&R and the Ling is popping out.

If you ain't on the moor yet you are cutting it fine....

I am very jealous. Heather honey is the best. This is the only time of year i am sorry I live in London.
I may well be one of the only beekeepers in the UK who doesn't like the taste of heather honey. Philistine. Sorry.
No , you are most definitely not alone , too strong for my taste!
Whether or not you like it is academic, the point is to actually get some, which is tricky, and it sells for the top price. ;)

Have you got any colonies on it this year PH ?
Is it looking like an ok year ?
No. I am still seeking a moor which is properly mamaged and may have found one this weekend.

Prospects are good I would say as the recent rain is good timing and so with the water there to become nectar all we need is some warm humid weather.

cant see anything flowering above Sheffield as yet, maybe need a trip, bees due to be moved early next week
I would check it out as I was surprised at how early it was coming out on the High Peaks.

Am I right in thinking a sizeable amount of heather moor has been lost in the UK on account of the decline in grouse shooting? As in, overgrown by bracken?
I would check it out as I was surprised at how early it was coming out on the High Peaks.


Just been, its out, not full on yet mind.

Busy weekend ahead :)
There is lots of heather here just a mile as the crow/bee flies.
Would bees find the heather that far away?
Most of the forage has gone save the garden flowers (I'm a couple of miles from a reasonable town)
Yes the bees will have no problem with a mile and they will even go to Kendal if its worth the extra distance.
It should be interesting for you as you may have a reasonable amount of heather around you the only problem distance and sudden change in the weather.
Took a look up there yesterday and there are bees on the flowers. Wonder if any are mine :)
Also lots of bilberries :)

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