Further food fraud

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Sep 4, 2011
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I switched on the ignition when I got in the car just before lunch to return home from the dentist (I'd not realised that I was using a BDSM dentist, but much of their treatment now appears to start by smothering me with a rubber sheet) to have Jeremy Vine start blaring out of the speakers. Jeremy Vine is enough to have me hitting the "off" switch as fast as possible, but today he was getting the gammons all excited about food fraud, in particular herbs and spices. Turns out that it's a problem there, too. The example he quoted before I really couldn't deal with him any further was some samples of oregano that had been found to contain 10% olive leaf.

I switched on the ignition when I got in the car just before lunch to return home from the dentist (I'd not realised that I was using a BDSM dentist, but much of their treatment now appears to start by smothering me with a rubber sheet) to have Jeremy Vine start blaring out of the speakers. Jeremy Vine is enough to have me hitting the "off" switch as fast as possible, but today he was getting the gammons all excited about food fraud, in particular herbs and spices. Turns out that it's a problem there, too. The example he quoted before I really couldn't deal with him any further was some samples of oregano that had been found to contain 10% olive leaf.

I heard similar via Radio 4 a few days back. Didn't catch the start but there appears to be an analysis company here in N Ireland that is using reflected light with diamond to in some way create light profiles for lots of food. Was only half listening so didn't get the technique but they seem to get promising results. The take away for me anyway was to buy herbs and spaces from big supermarkets. The horse meat scandal shook them up and from then their supply chain security has been very important to them. Some dodgy Indian spices sourced from smaller shops even contained lead salts to intensify colour. Bit worrying.
Saffron is a big target for adulteration as its so expensive. Cant see the point of cutting oregano as its cheap as. might as well make the crime worth its while ;)
Oregano here grows wild ( Origanum vulgare)..
Over here I heard use dried leftovers ( junk) of tomatoes in ketch up industry for getting mass - mixing it with peppers and selling as dried peppers.. We try as much of food we can to grow by ourselves.. Especially herbs we try not to buy as many we can. We grow or harvest from the nature, dry and use ( as spice, tea, etc..). For one family is not needed much. One small shrub/bush of something usually is more than enough..

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