Food heads up.

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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
Not having looked at the bees for four weeks, hols and so on, I was a bit taken aback to find one of my nucs very light.

I have rustled up an eke for it and fondant will be on tomorrow but it's a warming that with all the cold weather they may well have used more stores than you or I might think.

My nuc has munched its way through 3/4 of the fondant i placed on it at christmas time, so I've just taken that off as it was dried up and given them a fresh lump.
Just put what you had left in sealed container with a little water for a few days and then give it back to the same hive. Waste not want not.
Just put what you had left in sealed container with a little water for a few days and then give it back to the same hive. Waste not want not.

I've got a 12.5Kg block that is part used and is probably going to have to be stored untill next year. I'm not concerned about throwing 4 ouces of sugar in the bin :)

thanks for the tip though :cheers2:
You can tell your Welsh and not from Scotland Taff.
feeding early

on january 18th it was minus 18 on our farm so we checked our hives and to our horror they were all empty of food. we lost three hives due to starvation unforseen weather so we mixed 2lb honey to 2.2lbs of icing sugar that fed 40 hives and checked again few days later they were doing fantastic. They feed better with honey and icing sugar rather than just icing sugar just in case any one wants to try it because the bees can smell the honey not icing sugar just thought it may be useful .
on january 18th it was minus 18 on our farm so we checked our hives and to our horror they were all empty of food. we lost three hives due to starvation unforseen weather so we mixed 2lb honey to 2.2lbs of icing sugar that fed 40 hives and checked again few days later they were doing fantastic. They feed better with honey and icing sugar rather than just icing sugar just in case any one wants to try it because the bees can smell the honey not icing sugar just thought it may be useful .

where did you get your honey?? is it your own????
yes i only give back to my bees what they give to me their own raw honey with icing sugar they just seem to love it better than bakers fondant also syrup .
im in manchester i have the farm in urmston also in timperley cheshire and thanks for the welcome

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