Do they know it is Christmas?

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Not even any daffodils showing.
Same with the bees - apart from the odd emptying flight - they're all tucked up.

Hey JBM, being in the balmy south makes all the difference. :sunning: Daffs all over the place round the pond at Burry Green. In my garden I have roses back in bloom, Violas too, and the scabious still hasn't stopped since May. The bees are still flying, even in the rain - just as they do in summer: should I be worried??
one of my friendly farmers has spotted a bee on a dandelion today!

... honey extraction in January! ;-)
All mine are out flying, and have been for a while now. There's a large range of flower out down here from mock orange to begonia's. Although not enough to keep all my girls happy I suspect.


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All mine are out flying, and have been for a while now. There's a large range of flower out down here from mock orange to begonia's. Although not enough to keep all my girls happy I suspect.

Their work does not have blessing if they work in Sunday. (concerns only Christian bees)

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