DArtington plans?

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House Bee
Jan 31, 2012
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the fens
Hive Type
Does anyone have a set of plans for the DArtington hive? I've found a joiner who will make me one if I can get some plans. I emailed the chap who invented it but have not had a reply and cannot find any online.
Construction Information For Dartington Hives. [Paperback] £25 from Amazon

many thanks. Will see if I can get it somewhere other than Amazon as I refuse to deal with tax dodgers. If it exists as a book, I should be able to order from my local bookseller :):thanks:
Abe books is a website for hundreds of small bookshops - I have used them a lot and can usually get some really good deals. There are copies of the Dartington book there now.

Watch for location - some are in America though post isn't always too bad

Does anyone have a set of plans for the DArtington hive? I've found a joiner who will make me one if I can get some plans. I emailed the chap who invented it but have not had a reply and cannot find any online.

Why anyone would want to make a complicated hive such as this which many feel is not a well designed hive anyway. If you want to make a hive why not go for the least complicated and probably most efficient hive a commercial hive.
Why anyone would want to make a complicated hive such as this which many feel is not a well designed hive anyway.

Because a Dartington has some very good design features and is very good for the particular niche it fills. Far better than the plastic version. I have three and two are in use. Also a beehaus - and that is not in use.

There are also a lot who think the British National is a poor design. Everything is a compromise.
Why anyone would want to make a complicated hive such as this which many feel is not a well designed hive anyway. If you want to make a hive why not go for the least complicated and probably most efficient hive a commercial hive.

Why ? Because he wants to - that's a good enough reason.

I think the main reason the Dartington didn't take off was the unwise decision to copyright the plans.

But it's not as if designing a bee-box is rocket science, and even I have a prototype supered Long Hive on test over winter - broadly similar to the Dartington concept - it's looking good so far, and unless something unforeseen happens in the next month or two, this will become my hive of choice for all new builds.

I was just pointing out that as this beekeeper appears to have no bees at the moment that perhaps the most convenient way to start was with an easier to build hive. I actually said that many consider it ill designed, I did not express my opinion about the hive, though I have seen it in use and even had Robin show its good points.
Why anyone would want to make a complicated hive such as this which many feel is not a well designed hive anyway. If you want to make a hive why not go for the least complicated and probably most efficient hive a commercial hive.

I prefer to find things out for myself. I won't be building anything myself, I shall be paying a joiner to build. I am planning to have the Dartington as it was recommended by the club sec or a beekeeping club. I shall get it and evaluate it myself. I am also planning on getting the bog standard kenyan TBH. And the reason I cannot go for a commercial, National or WBC is because of mobility problems. If by efficient, you mean it yields the most amount of honey well this was never a priority for me
Does anyone have a set of plans for the DArtington hive? I've found a joiner who will make me one if I can get some plans. I emailed the chap who invented it but have not had a reply and cannot find any online.
Have you got the plan yet, if not please contact me.
If the requirement was for the version with deep frames. I could sell one made from a commercial kit. Or a plastic beetainer, but not my two Dartingtons with 14 x 12 frames.
If the requirement was for the version with deep frames. I could sell one made from a commercial kit. Or a plastic beetainer, but not my two Dartingtons with 14 x 12 frames.

I think you'll find that Onymee has bought a top bar hive some weeks ago ... photos on another post that I can't find here at present. Not seen her posting for some time though.
I searched the net for plans, they are there but you need to part with £21.50.
I really think beekeeping is about helping each other out like the forum does and plans should be made available for all to use
I searched the net for plans, they are there but you need to part with £21.50.
I really think beekeeping is about helping each other out like the forum does and plans should be made available for all to use

Designed by Robin Dartington and incorporated into the book he wrote ... the hive design, I believe, has a strong copyright on it and plans are not generally available unless you buy the book or the plans from Robin. It's basically a long deep hive on 14x12 dimensions. It has some supporters and some negatives. He participated in the design of the Beehaus from Omlet (which is very similar but in plastic) and they may, now, be the owners of the copyright ... nobody really knows. Robins original website is now offline but you can find a cached version here.


You could probably build a similar timber one, if you felt it worthwhile, by baseing the dimensions on 14 x 12 frames ... shouldn't be too hard.
i personally brought all the set of the darlington hive and have built many, i find that his hive suits perfectly sereral areas many dont and also misses several other points. i find the hive easy to work, easy to manipulate bees in and all round MASSIVELY different to a national, which has all ready been described as a mixed match effort.

in the bee sheds i have built every one was set up with darlington hives due the nature of the manipulations made it the most perfect hive to use.

as for robert , i have spent far to much on teas and coffees to keep him talking and so i could keep learning, the guy really does know his stuff and the hive was designed with that in mind,

i support your request to build one and go for it large , you wont be disapointed
i personally brought all the set of the darlington hive and have built many

as for robert , i have spent far to much on teas and coffees to keep him talking and so i could keep learning, the guy really does know his stuff and the hive was designed with that in mind,

Robert Darlington :sos:....been on the "hedgerow" HP??
Dartington sketchup

here is a Dartington Long Deep Hive sketchup plan
