Comb sun melter

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Queen Bee
Nov 8, 2008
Reaction score
Finland, Helsinki
Hive Type
I kept sun melter for years but then I got to know that heat do not destroy ABF spores. I think that equipment spread ABF quite much. Bees licked all the time melter's honey and carbage. Spores stand 130 C heat.

It is quite easy to get rid off ABF. You just shake bees in front of clean hive and disease disapears. Of course spores are in old combs and honey - but where there? When you melt all old combs, melter have mix of spores too. Dangerous stuff.
In uk afb is notifiable disease to defra bee inspector,and all bee's in these hives are burnt then hive is well scorched with blowtorch,this is law and you can get huge fine if you treat yourself and get found out.R.O.B Manley used to allways treat his hives by shaking out the bee's and putting them on new foundation,being careful not to splash any honey from diseased combs.Then starve bee's for 24 hours before feeding.It is an easy cure. We use this now for efb as well. and it works well.

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