Cloudy honey

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Feb 23, 2015
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Louth, Ireland
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This year most of my honey has crystallised very quickly so I just made soft set from it, and that worked well. However, I have about 10lbs of run honey but it's very cloudy. I assumed it was crystallising but it has stayed liquid. Today, I decided to try to make it clear and I put it through 3 layers of cheesecloth. However, it's still cloudy and when I shine a flashlight through it I can a myriad of specs, presumably crystals small enough to go through the cheesecloth.

Is it possible to clear it completely? Or should I just tell folk that it it what it is, sorta crystallising, and to eat it quickly (and come back and buy more)?
I only use the double strainer on mine. Some years it's clear but it's never Gin clear. This year the first Summer crop is just like you describe, hazy.
Get the right customers, all mine know it's direct from the hive with the minimum of fuss and all the good bits intact.
I do mention granulation but they usually eat it before then. :D
If your bees gathered a crop from the Whitethorn, this may be the root cause of your hazy honey. A number of lifelong beekeepers have separately advised/identified that hawthorn/whitethorn honey is hazy/cloudy.
You might also be seeing micro bubbles in your jarred honey. What was your jarring process?
Dis you jar warmed honey into warmed, freshly cleaned jars? Did you run the honey down the sides of the jars to reduce air bubbles?
Two boxes,same hive, extracted two weeks apart, one clear, one cloudy. Both same colour, it happens!

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