Cast swarm

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New Bee
Aug 26, 2018
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somewhere under the sunshine
Hive Type
I left an old hive out in the back garden with fermented honey and some rotten comb. Bad beekeeping yes. I should have cleaned my BB and frames but one month went to 2 and now it's 2 years since. I totally forgotten about it until I noticed bees flying in and out of it.

Opened up and there was a cast swarm maybe just a few hours inside or a day.

I put in a bb with some frames of comb. Queen laying quite rapidly. On 3 frames now after unting with 1 frame 3\4 filled with bees.

Should I feed with 1:1 or 2:1 seeing where at the end of season.

Another issue. I had a Q's on 1 super frame 6 weeks ago. Put it in another super with some bees and honey and insulation. Let it hatch as back up but never used her anywhere. Gave more empty frames but the queen wouldn't lay any more eggs than 2 super frames. Even when frames where full, I installed new frame of comb but the queen wouldn't go near it. Any ideas why this queen would only use the 2 already frames with BIAS.
Doesn't sound like a cast swarm if the queen started laying straight away!

If they have no stores then feeding will be beneficial.

Your 'spare' queen - if she's only in a small colony she won't lay any more brood than the workers can keep warm and feed. Is it a small colony? It's getting a bit late to be trying to get that colony big enough to overwinter, I'd be inclined to combine the colony with your swarm - it's your choice which queen you keep :)
Doesn't sound like a cast swarm if the queen started laying straight away!

If they have no stores then feeding will be beneficial.

Your 'spare' queen - if she's only in a small colony she won't lay any more brood than the workers can keep warm and feed. Is it a small colony? It's getting a bit late to be trying to get that colony big enough to overwinter, I'd be inclined to combine the colony with your swarm - it's your choice which queen you keep :)

I was thinking maybe that was the reason she wasn't laying but ty for confirming it. I might just try and overwinter her in a poly nuc. I was very lucky to over winter 1 frame before in it.

Will I feed with 2:1 or 1:1
Doesn't sound like a cast swarm if the queen started laying straight away!

If they have no stores then feeding will be beneficial.

Your 'spare' queen - if she's only in a small colony she won't lay any more brood than the workers can keep warm and feed. Is it a small colony? It's getting a bit late to be trying to get that colony big enough to overwinter, I'd be inclined to combine the colony with your swarm - it's your choice which queen you keep :)

It was a small swarm. Why I thought it was a cast

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