Best Time to Inspect Hive

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New Bee
Apr 30, 2016
Reaction score
North Molton
Hive Type
At the moment my Bees are very busy. What time of day is the best time to inspect the hive?
When they're the most active,

I.E. Not there!

Agreed.. Trying to find a rogue virgin or just mated queen in a mating nuc stuffed with bees and 13C and windy is not my favourite occupation..
I find the best time is in the morning 10 onwards or if you can or early afternoon there's been a few times when I have been pushed for time and have gone in the Hive after 4 and it makes it really difficult because they are all there because they're coming home for the night and then generally more Aggy at being disturbedd, however this is generally more the case when the nights start coming in a bit more to be ok now however I would be wearing at going in too late !!

If you want to go in and see what's going on I've always found the best times are when the weather is the finest ie. No cloud or threat of rain,
I find the best time is in the morning 10 onwards or if you can or early afternoon there's been a few times when I have been pushed for time and have gone in the Hive after 4 and it makes it really difficult because they are all there because they're coming home for the night and then generally more Aggy at being disturbedd, however this is generally more the case when the nights start coming in a bit more to be ok now however I would be wearing at going in too late !!

If you want to go in and see what's going on I've always found the best times are when the weather is the finest ie. No cloud or threat of rain,

It also depends on the bees you keep, i can go investigate on one colony when it is raining and thundering or blowing a hooligan and the darlings crawl around like slug's i get through them (the angriest till last) the difference is noticeable but if some need checking i do it regardless of time and weather. even the angry ones do not bother me.. not forgetting i started with bees from hell that also did not bother me..
On inspection days I tend to start around 11ish and finish around 3ish... Weather has no influence..rain/sleet.sun/wind...just get on with it. My best Buckfast hives simply don't care...where operator error has crept in (F2's) it can be a little hairy. Angry double brood boxes of bees are never nice even at the "best" time of day...whenever that is.
Just had a search through the forum for favourable inspection times as I thought I had read something about 8am being OK. Must have dreamt it. Will be going out shortly.
Will post how I get on compared to my normal 4:30pm
12pm to 2pm I was told was best. Sun at its highest in sky and more likely that more bees will be out gallivanting.
Any time after 10 am when the nectar flow has started and before they get tired and grumpy. The flyers are out and haven't returned yet!
It also depends on the bees you keep, i can go investigate on one colony when it is raining and thundering or blowing a hooligan and the darlings crawl around like slug's i get through them (the angriest till last) the difference is noticeable but if some need checking i do it regardless of time and weather. even the angry ones do not bother me.. not forgetting i started with bees from hell that also did not bother me..

Agreed, I inspected in the cloud and threat of rain today, they were perfect, I took off supers and rummged about.

The girls are happy with their queens, and seem very settled.
I inspect when they are out foraging.
Only if something NEEDS to be done will I lift the top in the rain/ imminent thunder etc etc. Never in the dark though 😉
8am isn't a good idea in my apiary. They get tetchy quick.
Big colony gets one more chance then I'm re-queening. I only went into the super to swap a frame and they were angry. Proper inspection on them tomorrow if weather is OK.
8am isn't a good idea in my apiary. They get tetchy quick.
Big colony gets one more chance then I'm re-queening. I only went into the super to swap a frame and they were angry. Proper inspection on them tomorrow if weather is OK.

What are you inspecting for?

I dont touch brood boxes this time of year.
This time of the year (uuup North) is classic time for queens giving it a rest....Have a few at the moment...usually nothing to worry about, but will keep inspecting until sure they are laying again. Perhaps not at regular 7 day inspection intervals.../wry grin/
Bees on the moors will get brood inspections on return early or mid Sept.
What are you inspecting for?

I dont touch brood boxes this time of year.

It's a swarm I housed recently and I'm checking they're building up nicely and seeing what their plans are with the queen. At the same time, how they treat me will determine my plans with the queen.

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