I agree in some ways, but not with the entirely different attendees part, why is it we think in terms “different” surely we are all beekeepers first ! the problem is the current formats of any show doesn’t seem to be designed to encourage new beekeepers. They are generally an ego massaging exercise supported by suppliers who actually supply the cash to allow them to do this.
We want to encourage new manufacturers and suppliers through our business innovation scheme, we will give new entrants in this area subsidies stands to promote what they do. Yes, some of the old manufacturer’s won’t like it, but to be honest it’s been a way to cozy position for some for far too long.
When you look at some of the old eastern block countries and see the products they derive from the hive you would think we in the UK live in the dark ages.
We need more younger beekeepers, just look at the BBKA trustees, an average age of around 70 I would guess, all white middleclass, is that really the best we can do, well of course not.
By opening up BeeTradex I hope we can encourage new beekeepers as well as the general population of beekeepers, we are offering subsidized stands for queen breeders and Nuc suppliers, talks on beekeeping.
When we run our planned Festival of Bees events across the country, they will also be aimed at bringing beekeepers together and encouraging new beekeepers. We would like the local associations to join us and show the benefits of training in practical ways.
We would like existing beekeepers to join us in making these shows the windows on our hobby, I hope its not too scary a prospect for existing beekeepers