BDI: An Inspector calls...

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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
Never having had a visit from a BDI in Scotland as during my beekeeping up north there were none I was intrigued as to how it would go.

A very polite gentle man arrived early which was a good start, and proceeded to work his way through my stocks. He was meticulously careful about cleaning his hive tool each hive and using a new one from his bath of bleach/disinfectant .

He found two cells he was not happy with and produced the test kit for AFB which was duly negative much to my relief, though not surprise.

He asked some leading questions, and offered some interesting advice.

It seems being close to an airport I am deemed to be "at risk" and so will warrant an annual inspection.

I was pleased to hear my stocks described as calm and quiet, though they were being very well behaved under the conditions which were very much on the cool side.

All in all a positive experience.

Why did he say you were at risk, as we are close to Heathrow and i have never heard of this before?
At risk due to the freight that goes through EMA. so if you are close to Heathrow I would take it you would be deemed at the same risk as I am.

Whether it is the official line or his opinion I didn't ask.

Being near to Heathrow - huge amounts of fruit and veg. come in. High risk for small hive beetle in particular. I'm pretty sure it is policy.
Being near to Heathrow - huge amounts of fruit and veg. come in. High risk for small hive beetle in particular. I'm pretty sure it is policy.

Yes, anywhere fruit is brought in is considered an entry point for small hive beetle. For example, Felixstowe (the sea port) has a similar high risk associated with it, and so inspections are more frequent.

Various other risks factors include wax renderers, and honey importers I believe.

All in all a positive experience.


Had a visit last summer, guy preformed just as poly said, and had a good chat. He also like the beehaus!

But all of the above is on the basis that you are registered on beebase? Or how else would they get your details
I believe they tend to ask if you know other beekeepers, though mine did not fish.

I am on Beebase though for what that is worth.


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