Angry bees

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Buzzby Babe

New Bee
May 16, 2011
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Am in my first season as beekeeper and during an inspection yesterday the 'normally' placid bees seemed extremely angry. I hadn't done anything different but before half way through the single brood box I had bees pinging off my suit and two on my veil pushing their stings through. It took ages for them to leave me alone when I left the hive.

Anyone got any ideas why they would be so angry? Granted the weather is rubbish and a beekeeper going into the hive could annoy them but they have been relatively calm before.

Thanks for any ideas.
Some of the more common reasons

Being attacked by wasps
Being robbed
Removing honey
Perfume - lotions - washing powder smells
+ many more

Hopefully next time you inspect them they will be back to normal or give you a clue why they weren't happy (such as queencells)
Hi Buzzby

One of our normally placid colonies have been very temperamental lately. Had lots of bees angrily buzzing around our veils, trying to sting and following. We have put this down to the rotten weather - because during a recent lovely spell of sunshine for about a week they returned to their normal lovely selves and were a joy to inspect. However, been raining consistently this week and they are back to being angry again.

Oh well, just some of the joys of beekeeping I suppose.
what I do before I do my hive is just puff myself over with the smoker and most of the bees dont come near me!!!!
Please don't lose confidence. Be patient, even bees have bad days, if they stay like that for the next couple of checks then you may need to think again but many hives get late summer blues! They get fed up of us going in and they know they are coming into winter so they can get tetchy!
Next check get dressed for battle so you can deal with then with no worries. Look for mikes hints as to what might be wrong. Do only what you need to do and then close them up,
End of honey flow is normally the prime reason this time of year
Thanks for the replies. I didn't see the queen but there were new eggs so I am hoping the colony was queen right. Oh well, I will see what they are like next time fingers crossed:)
Was there any sign of thundery weather around? Mine go like this sometimes and are nice as pie the next day.