AMM queen, Buckfast colony

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New Bee
Aug 21, 2021
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Winchcombe, Glos
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Is it a mistake to introduce a mated Black Bee, AMM, into a Buckfast colony?
Never a mistake! Hopefully more follow your lead 😎
I have struggled when requeening hybridised colonies with pure Amm but many factors at play from size of colony to weather conditions etc. If it’s a big colony you could make up a Nuc - introduce the native queen to that and then combine with the newspaper method into the bigger colony.
Never a mistake! Hopefully more follow your lead 😎
I have struggled when requeening hybridised colonies with pure Amm but many factors at play from size of colony to weather conditions etc. If it’s a big colony you could make up a Nuc - introduce the native queen to that and then combine with the newspaper method into the bigger colony.
Originally I thought It would improve the gene pool and possibly add to varroa resistance but concern has been expressed that it could lead to f2 aggression and after further research I am none the clearer.
Originally I thought It would improve the gene pool and possibly add to varroa resistance but concern has been expressed that it could lead to f2 aggression and after further research I am none the clearer.
“Add to varroa resistance”? Not so.
Originally I thought It would improve the gene pool and possibly add to varroa resistance but concern has been expressed that it could lead to f2 aggression and after further research I am none the clearer.
Is it a mistake to introduce a mated Black Bee, AMM, into a Buckfast colony?
No - the other way around can cause acceptance issues but AM|M queen to Buckies should be OK
Originally I thought It would improve the gene pool and possibly add to varroa resistance
why should it?
but concern has been expressed that it could lead to f2 aggression
Why - another myth spread by the usual suspects
You can requeen anything if you use a press in queen cage on top of emerging brood.. And wait long enough. And the bees don't burrow underneath and through the comb to reach the queen.. But chances with a resident AMM Q in an AMM colony and introducing another type ? Low.

As far as improving varroa resistance? About as likely as finding a cure for greed and envy.
Hybrid local bees are a Heinz variety/mix just the same as x breed local mutts or felines.