It was a terrible year for beekeepers in the part of the north west of Ireland where I live. Really cold overall with a lot of rain and few foraging days. On top of that I decided 2024 was the year to set up an Amm Queen rearing group.
In the end the skills I learnt grafting and managing Apideas made my beekeeping year! If you can raise some mated queens in the conditions we had it should be (fingers crossed) a breeze in a better Summer!
In more recent developments over here and somewhat out of the blue - the bill to ban imports of non-native subspecies of honeybee into Ireland suddenly progressed through the Seanad (like the House of Lords in the UK). This Bill which has taken a lot of work by a cohort of very hard working campaigners had been somewhat stalled by a decision by our department of agriculture via the Attorney General to look for further information before allowing the Bill to proceed. A number of studies have been commissioned and a very important one has just been published - this may have spurred the department on! Now it has to pass through the lower house of government - The Dáil.
Hopefully this will progress quickly now and give some respite to beekeepers here struggling to deal with the negative impact of hybridisation.
For those interested here is a link to the paper and to the discussion in the Seanad on Wednesday.