A diploid drone has 2 copies of the same allele, so it has 2 alleles [pedant mode off].
IT has not, because it is dead.
As dead as Tamar Valley AMM on Ice Ace tundra, where they eveloped millions years ago.
Diploid drones
Normally drones develop from unfertilized eggs and are haploid. Diploid drones (called also "biparental males") develop from fertilized eggs [1][2] which are homozygous at *** locus. In nature diploid drones do not survive until the end of larval development.
The larvae of diploid drones are eaten by workers [3] within few hours after hatching from egg [4] despite the fact that they are viable [5][6].
Adult (imago) diploid drones can be reared in laboratory by hatching eggs in incubator and feeding larvae with royal jelly without workers [7][8]. The larva can be transferred to colony after 2-3 days. At this age workers feed them normally. Diploid drones can be reared also in autumn in mating nuclei with about 1000 workers [9].
Externally adult diploid drones are similar to haploid drones. In comparison to haploid drones diploid once are larger, heavier [10][11][12] but see [13][14], have smaller testes [15][14], fewer testicular tubules [16], fewer wing hooks [14] and lower vitellogenin concentration [14]. Diploid drone larvae produce more cuticular hydrocarbons than workers but less than haploid drones [17] but see [18].
Diploid drones produce diploid spermatozoa [19] containing twice as much DNA as haploid spermatozoa [20][14]. Diploid spermatozoa are longer than haploid spermatozoa; their head is particularly long [21]. Ultrastructure of haploid and diploid drones is similar [22]. In theory triploid honey bees can be obtained by inseminating queen with diploid spermatozoa [21], however, this was not achieved so far because of small number of sperm produced by diploid drones.
Workers recognize the diploid drones larvae using substances present at their bodies [23]. It was suggested that diploid drones produce pheromone called "cannibalism substance" which is a signal to workers that they should be destroyed [23] see also [24]. Such self-destructive behaviour of diploid drones can evolve because they are neither able to reproduce nor help their relatives. Eating of the diploid drones at early stage of larval development allows to save valuable resources and produce bigger number of their relatives. However, no cuticular compound specific for diploid drone larvae was found [17]. First instar larvae of haploid and diploid drones differ in relative amount of cuticular compounds [17] and the difference can be used by workers for detection of diploid drones. In older larvae the differences in cuticular compounds are smaller [14].
In natural conditions frequency of diploid drones (before destruction by workers) in a colony is 0.05±0.03 (mean±SD) [25]. The frequency can be much higher in case of inbreeding. In colonies with large proportion of diploid drones there is "shot brood" - brood of different ages scattered irregularly on a comb [26][27][28][29]. Multiple mating by the queen leads to reduced variance of proportion of diploid drones present in the colony [30].
amount of alleles Everything You Wanted to Know about Honeybee ***
Joseph Caspermeyer*,1
Author Affiliations
1MBE Press Office
↵*Corresponding author:
[email protected].
There is an exquisite genetic control behind a honeybee’s fate in the hive—from the lowly drone to the almighty queen—which literally represents the bee’s knees for evolutionary scientists exploring how multiple mutations, or alleles, of a single gene called the complementary *** determiner (csd) can have a profound influence on honeybee society.
Unlike people, there are no X and Y *** chromosomes for bees. Rather, *** is determined by csd gene and its allelic composition and whether a queen bee chooses to fertilize her eggs. Female bees (queens or workers) come from fertilized eggs, always receiving two different (heterozygote) copies of csd. Fertile males always come from unfertilized eggs, receiving only one copy of csd. Two identical (homozygote) copies of csd in fertilized eggs is always lethal; these individuals are being killed at the early larval stage by worker bees as they would develop into diploid males which do not contribute to colony fitness.
Lechner et al. (2013) have now examined the exquisite molecular control behind the *** determination, finely identifying and tracing back a comprehensive number of csd alleles to create a richer understanding of the variability of the csd gene over evolutionary time. They looked at a data set of 244 csd sequences from queens, worker bees, and drones and showed that the total number of csd alleles found in bees ranges from at least 53 (locally) to 87 (worldwide), which is much higher than previously reported. Using an evolutionary model, they also extrapolated the presence of a total 116–145 csd alleles worldwide, a great example of the enormous sequence variability within csd. They were able to finely decipher the minimum number of mutations leading to heterozygous csd, identify faster evolving hot spots within the csd gene, and how these may contribute to variability.
“Comprehensive insights into the sequence variability of the *** determining gene csd in honeybees elucidate the evolutionary processes that lead to the enormous number of csd alleles found worldwide,” said Hasselmann.
Finally, they traced the data back over evolutionary time and found that a novel csd function affecting *** determination arises about every 400,000 years. The study provides one of the most comprehensive views of the enormous genetic diversity and the evolutionary forces shaping *** determination in bees, as well as how changes in csd affect honeybee colony fitness.
© The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
[email protected]
in the year 2013 it was evaluated 87 alleles in *** genes worldwide,
Scientists Find Genes That Let These Bees Reproduce Without Males
The female Cape bee is a renegade. She breaks all kinds of rules and disregards orders. In this isolated subspecies of honey bees from South Africa, female worker bees can escape their queen’s control, take over other colonies and reproduce asexually — with no need for males. Scientists identified the genes most likely to have instigated this unusually powerful worker bee behavior, according to a study published Thursday in PLOS Genetics.
About Cape bees