In the UK the national bee unit guidelines are:
AFB is a notifiable disease under the Bee Diseases and Pests Control Orders (for England and Wales) and is subject to official control by a programme of apiary inspections carried out by the NBU. Control of the disease is through compulsory destruction of infected colonies, which is a very effective measure. This eradication policy has been highly effective since first introduced in the 1940s, bringing the incidence of AFB down from several thousand infected colonies per year to less than 100 nowadays. In recent years disease incidence has been characterised by sporadic but large outbreaks, which have been rapidly brought under control by the Inspectors and beekeepers working together. Methods of control for AFB using antibiotics, which are used in some overseas countries, are not effective – they only serve to suppress signs of the disease without eradicating it and, through frequent use, allow the development of resistant bacterial strains.
The use of antibiotics to control AFB is not permitted in the UK.