Advice would be lovely! I've done something stupid!

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New Bee
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Flaunden, Herts.
Hive Type
My last post was a cartwheel of happiness.

I knew it was tempting fate!

My last inspection had a brimming brood box and a pretty full super (surprising for a month old colony). I couldn't find the queen but there were plenty of eggs and she's clipped.

I've made up a super and today went to put it on today. The bees were ... a bit buzzy for them. Nothing serious just out of sorts.

I found a queen cell which was just being capped and STUPIDLY my first instinct was to squash it before my brain kicked in. And then I couldn't find the queen. Or eggs. Lots of healthy brood. No eggs.

As I was shutting it all up I think I saw a big fat body going over a frame and she was moving at speed. I couldn't find her then as the bees got thick there (good sign) and I reckoned I was overstaying my welcome anyway.

Have I lost my queen or is the grizzly August weather just meaning she's not laying as the box is pretty full and she should really be winding down?

I am worried :willy_nilly: and a silly person.
Was the cell towards the edge of the brood nest and roughly central on the frame? Did it have an area gouged into the wax so the cell pointed downwards?

Have you been feeding the colony?

... :)
Capped queen cell and it's too late so they say! I have only been kept by bees this year so my knowledge is scant but I would describe my queens as long not fat. So how does that help you? I would personally go in and find that queen, she is marked I assume? The worry then is why the queen cell because my understanding is that destroying the cell does not solve the problem. As to the no eggs I would Google that or wait for someone with more knowledge than me (most) to help further.
Have you been feeding the colony?

Don't be silly Susbees! Or are you also a bit of a cynic like me?

I, too, found 'surprising for a month old colony).' a little surprising, but with '4 supers being filled in one single week' being reported on another thread (that would be close to 50kg in one week!) nothing should surprise us too much, I suppose.

Added later: I suppose it could have been a prime swarm.
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A lack of eggs could be because of the nasty weather. If it was just the one QC, especially in the centre of frame, it could be a supersedure. I would check again thoroughly for eggs and a queen. Needless to say, if you find further QC's don't be too hasty!

If you are still worried, can you get a test frame from somewhere?
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My last post was a cartwheel of happiness.

I knew it was tempting fate!

My last inspection had a brimming brood box and a pretty full super (surprising for a month old colony). I couldn't find the queen but there were plenty of eggs and she's clipped.

I've made up a super and today went to put it on today. The bees were ... a bit buzzy for them. Nothing serious just out of sorts.

I found a queen cell which was just being capped and STUPIDLY my first instinct was to squash it before my brain kicked in. And then I couldn't find the queen. Or eggs. Lots of healthy brood. No eggs.

As I was shutting it all up I think I saw a big fat body going over a frame and she was moving at speed. I couldn't find her then as the bees got thick there (good sign) and I reckoned I was overstaying my welcome anyway.

Have I lost my queen or is the grizzly August weather just meaning she's not laying as the box is pretty full and she should really be winding down?

I am worried :willy_nilly: and a silly person.

Sh*t happens, and that is how we learn, so don't beat yerself up too much :)

When you get a bit panicky it is even easier to make mistakes or miss things. Sometimes eggs are hard to see.

I would be doing a really thorough inspection to try to find the queen if you think she might be gone. It is surprising how often you think she's gone & she isn't. Maybe go through the hive with a helper as 2 pairs of eyes are better than one, plus it is nice to have someone to talk to. I get my daughter to help - not a beek, but can spot a queen!

The other comments about do know that you don't feed them and put a super on at the same time, right? Otherwise your "honey" is just sugar solution.:eek:
Sh*t happens, and that is how we learn, so don't beat yerself up too much :)

When you get a bit panicky it is even easier to make mistakes or miss things. Sometimes eggs are hard to see.


Try and be patient until the next inspection and then if you manage to see even very young larvae you'll know that the queen would have had to have laid the eggs at least 4 days before. On the other hand if you see a few emergency QCs you'll know for sure that something has happened to the queen.

A fat body doesn't necessarily equate a queen - may be a drone ...
I know thanks. :eek:

My queen is marked and really easy to spot, which is why I was worried. The eggs are easy to spot too. More worry.

I'm not feeding them, they're weighed done with what they're bringing in so feeding not needed. That's what surprised me, they were previously a tiny new colony from a nuc and I was going to feed them but they went bumper and filled up every frame. I was very pleased.

Now I'm just worried. Silly me for crushing my queen cell.
Now I'm just worried. Silly me for crushing my queen cell.

In my view, no you weren't, not at this time of the year.

Had exact same issue last week. 2011 queen was laying up well. Arrived back from hols to discover no eggs, grubs, plenty stores and queen wandering along a frame.

There were two supercedure 2 QCs but given the limited productive time we have left in the year I took the decision to terminate her and the QCs and replace with a bought in queen from a forum member. Fingers crossed she is accepted (won't inspect for a week) and the impact to the colony size is minimal.

If you have a decent productive colony, which by all accounts it appears to be, why expose it to a possible risk of an unmated or poorly mated or late laying queen when there are plenty mated queen available at this time of the year.

Good luck.
If you have a decent productive colony, which by all accounts it appears to be, why expose it to a possible risk of an unmated or poorly mated or late laying queen when there are plenty mated queen available at this time of the year.

Good luck.

Are there? Been very few slots for reliable mating this season in most places. Discuss... :)
I have a fat body but I'm certainly no queen my darling.

Hope you get sorted Mini. I found two cells uncharged so decided just to keep an eye on them. Not sure if they are just big play cup or developing swarm cells.
Are there? Been very few slots for reliable mating this season in most places. Discuss... :)

Granted weather has been crap but I've been able to buy in mated queens from April this year, from a large supplier, to last week from HM. If the OP wants a queen all they have to do is ask and I'm sure they'll get several PMs.:)
A bit of an aside.

My last post was a cartwheel of happiness.

I knew it was tempting fate!

My last inspection had a brimming brood box and a pretty full super (surprising for a month old colony). I couldn't find the queen but there were plenty of eggs and she's clipped.

from your other thread

I left my bees for a two week holiday. Before I left they were a small colony, only three weeks old. Dumping drone brood and I'd hoiked out a wax moth larva. They were super placid but I feared the worst.

I'm back and it's a bonanza! The brood box is full bar one frame, the queen has been laying like I've never seen before.

The formerly empty super is completely full of uncapped stores and I'm busily hammering new frames together for a second.

Is it possible that your "small colony, only three weeks old" was invaded by a larger swarm whilst you were away?

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