1st Super Preparation

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Field Bee
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Hive Type
Number of Hives
6 >12 - 14x12 + Nucs
just planning ahead and getting a super ready for my first hive which was a 5 very full frame nuc last Tuesday which i put in the brood and since has been fed 1:1 solution. i have not peeked in yet just giving them time to settle down but i will do a full inspection on monday.
i have smooth runners in the supers a bunch of sn1 frames without spacers and some manley side bars.

should the manley side bars have the same top and bottom bars as the sn1?

just wondering what type of super frame i should use?:confused::confused::confused:
just found some good info on the dave cushman site.... now thinking of going with SN4's think i need to sleep on this!:)
How many manley side bars have you got? they have the same length bottom bars but have like a shoulder on them so both the top bar and bottom bars have a width of 1" 1/16 if that makes any sense (easier to explain in person!)
If you have SN1's I cant see any problems with sticking with those, they are flexible and allow for narrow and wide spacing if you wish. I also think (though I might be wrong) that SN1's are the cheapest.
Hi Roy

Sorry to hear about you bee adventures recently! certainly made me think about the risks.... and have started looking for a second spot for my hives as i am now realizing that the allotment while great for the bees is not so good when you think about what could go wrong....swarm's and people getting stung .
I did my first full inspection today since putting the nuc in the brood box, did not see the queen but saw some larva, did not see any eggs but possibly because i did not have the courage to shake the bees of the frame to fully inspect the frame!

still along way off needing a super, i have been feeding with 1:1 but so far they have only drawn out two sides of frames, think i will stick with the SN1 and use spacers though.

give me a shout roy if you ever need a hand :cheers2:

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