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  1. L

    New Smoker Concept

    My advice is "go for it" I'm not interested in money. Its more of an example, to future employers, what I'm capable of.
  2. L

    New Smoker Concept

    I guess its putting it into a format people are comfortable with, not every beekeeper agrees on spraying liquid into a hive.
  3. L

    New Smoker Concept

    Hombre, thanks for that. It is a very resistant market, and thats what made me take up the challenge. Theres millions of consumer electronics out there, each one a slight improvement on the other. For me, this was a challenge which had links to something very topical and very crucial to our...
  4. L

    New Smoker Concept

    They probably do go wrong when you purchase them in a £39.95 product. Hence the expensive, but a lot more honest estimate of £100-£150. If you refer to my earlier posts you'll also see 'throwing it away' isn't something to be encouraged, with a assembly which allows parts to be replaced when...
  5. L

    New Smoker Concept

    For the beek's convinced this is an advert, I HAVE NO intention of selling this product. it looks like an advert because thats the submission requirements for the course. I totally agree that it could be completely smaller and really radical, but it aims to act as a stepping stone to show what...
  6. L

    New Smoker Concept

    The liquid smoke is held within a internal vessel that is sealed by a butterfly valve. The internal shape aims to reduce condensation build up as well.
  7. L

    New Smoker Concept

    I was completely unaware of this! thanks for the heads up, I'll be dropping that bombshell when I present my concept to my tutors tomorrow.
  8. L

    New Smoker Concept

    Thats a safe estimate I guess. My lack of experience is against me on that front, but in my opinion its better be surprised with something being cheaper then expected then it be more. Im a student beekeeper, I only buy things from supermarkets that have a little yellow reduced sticker on them.
  9. L

    New Smoker Concept

    and as for size, it could be slightly smaller, but theres almost a tipping point where fuel capacity is concerned. Personally, I'd like it to be 30% smaller. even if that did mean a few more fuel stops. great feedback though!
  10. L

    New Smoker Concept

    First of all, Thanks for all the compliments. Price- at a very rough estimate £150, so not as cheap as the old traditional smokers. The battery is the most expensive thing, with the misting technology very cheap, (its what they use in e-cigarettes) Waterproof - its got silicone seals to...
  11. L

    New Smoker Concept

    Hi guys, Some of you may remember me quizzing you about how you kept your bee smokers? Well here is the result of months of hard work and lots of input from people like yourselves. I understand you lot will be my toughest critics, but as long as its...
  12. L

    Sheffield beekeeper/designing beekeeping equipment

    design finished. I guess this next post should push me over the limit?
  13. L

    Sheffield beekeeper/designing beekeeping equipment

    My design is done! thanks for all your input guys, got my concept finished, i would post it on here but I need to post a few more times before I can post links or images.
  14. L

    people and smokers

    Its utilises the liquid smoke sachets available on thorne, I don't want to give too much away and I have seen something similar in a concept online, however it wasn't as resolved as it could be. I understand what you mean by using it on warmer days but the process means its not like spraying...
  15. L

    people and smokers

    thanks! The amount of replies this post has got really shocked me! So thanks a lot everyone. Itma, you raise some very good issues, all of which have been swimming around my head already. It's extremely hard to try design something which showcases my skills as a 'designer' and still appeals to...
  16. L

    people and smokers

    Keep them coming! Quite surprised at the amount of responses I've received! hopefully the weekend will provide another wave of answers and suggestions. Lighting the smoker is easily the biggest issue, and my idea will almost dispense cool white smoke at the push of the button, no heat needed...
  17. L

    people and smokers

    Brilliant! These are all brilliant insights, I like the slight differences between each persons approach. The smoker is a real icon when it comes to beekeeping, I'll try to be careful not to lose all of its heritage and charm. I'd never thought about hygiene on the bellows, Only having one...
  18. L

    people and smokers

    Could some people help me out with either some answers? or even better, some pictures? I'm redesigning the bee smoker for my University grad project and wanted to know, where do people keep their bee smokers when not in use? Or when transporting them to and between sites? I've got my own way...
  19. Feeding


  20. [No title]

    [No title]
