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  1. roolbg

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Went to move a colony from a makeshift nuc into a proper one after last weeks AS, couldn't see the queen and supercedure cells present. Woops...
  2. roolbg

    Queen cells anyone ?

    Went this morning and found the queen so performed an AS, after panicking a bit from reading it went fairly smoothly and sadly the "nucleus" hive is the transport box I got the bees originally with an entrance cut in. But I'll soon change that (didn't expect swarming so early). Good luck to...
  3. roolbg

    Queen cells anyone ?

    Cheers for the advice, I would have just jumped to the assumption that they had swarmed but the hive seemed fairly busy and no dramatic decrease in the number of bees as far as I could tell. Live and learn, live and learn...
  4. roolbg

    Queen cells anyone ?

    I've been clutching to that since I saw queen cups, I'll go tomorrow and if I see a queen I'll AS.
  5. roolbg

    Queen cells anyone ?

    First post, hi all. Today I inspected my 1 year old colony of carniolans and found about 6 sealed queen cells, surprising as last week I must have missed the queen cups on a frame. Now while I didn't see the queen, but I didn't notice much of a difference in the number of bees, and there were...