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  1. L

    What shop honey tastes like

    some time back we had a company team at the Apiary they spent a few hours building hive components then we would give Honey tasting, we had Honey from apiaries worldwide. The MD said he didn't like Honey so would leave. I told him a taste was not a spoonful but a small amount on a coffee...
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    I was told the only stupid question was the question not asked
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    it does not they get aggressive when nictone smake it near them, I used to have a 'helper' who would stand near when I opened a hive, who would be smaking a cigarette, the Bees really did not like it, when I told him to go away they calmed right down
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    Essex new boy or as you are outside pop postcode in
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    Understanding behaviour

    I have a mouse that runs up to the 2nd floor to get to mt bird feeders, a sheer wall
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    The National Uncapper

    hope Not he sells them really cheaply imo I'm sure is profit is minimal, when I got mine a friend did express awe at the price and reamarked the guy can not be making much
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    Beekeeping day courses

    do hope you have done a 1 year course with your local association a 1 day course is not enough to be a beekeeper, it just gives a 'taster' so you know if you have the time, the space and money to go into it
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    Do you fit mouse guards?

    we need to we are in a Nature Reserve and have wood mice who last year spent winter in an empty hive
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    Are you still inspecting? November?

    checked mine 2 weeks bag good amount of hiney in the hives and they were bringing in pollen till yesterday when it was very cold so will pop fondant on tomorrw
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    Beekeeping day courses

    until March only theroy can happen in some areas even March is too early to open a Hive
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    varroa treatment

    than Thank you for taking your time to reply
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    varroa treatment

    Can you all advise please. I've just been told formic pro can sometimes (1 out of 10) knock out a queen. Was planning to use this week but do not want to risk my Queen, My varroa drop is thankfully small
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    Cleaning after wax moth.

    we have a max of 4 hives and a Bee house, a small shed, for education ourposes, the manager installed 80 tons of chalk and made a Chalk Wildflower Meadow for them, I have a 10 year old helper he attends a kids Beekeeping class for past 3 years in Croyden, and passes annual exams with 100%. We...
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    Cleaning after wax moth.

    TCV Stave Hill Ecology Park & Russia Dock Woodlands
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    Cleaning after wax moth.

    My hives are in a London Nature Reserve and we have not seen 1 signal wasp this year
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    Is supermarket honey not real honey then?

    in natural beekeepping Bees die due to lack of care, I'm lucky have a colony who keep out of the way when I'm inspecting, had to look up Jain they don't eat roots! in case micro insects are harmed,
  17. L

    Is supermarket honey not real honey then?

    dandilion honey is quite good, I am a vegan and to state the 'rules' vegan do not eat anything that harms a creature or takes its food, a Bee Honey is excess, from the supers, I do eat it as am not taking any Bees food away from them
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    Exxon Mobil

    signed & shared
  19. L

    Hex jar true oz and ml

    PS the density of your honey will affect its weight
  20. L

    Hex jar true oz and ml

    340 ml oddly hobbycraft sell them