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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. S

    Double Brood - winter options

    I have a colony with two brood boxes separated by a QX - and two queens. (Don't ask AS gone wrong and then reunited as I thought I had no queens at all. After a few weeks found eggs on both sides of the QX!!) The question is to I split them for the winter or leave them as they are and deal with...
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    Drone clear out

    Saw my bees forcibly evict drones from the hive this evening. The poor chaps having to cluster outside the hive, any attempt at reentry we're carefully marshalled away by the ladies. Fascinating stuff.
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    3B printing (with link)

    3B printing - getting bees to build comb in the shape of of objects
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    3B printing

    3B printing - getting bees to build comb in the shape of objects
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    Unaccessible bees

    A friend of mine reckons he has a colony inside a roof space that only the bees can get to. Any suggestions of how to get them out? He doesn't want to rip apart his roof!
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    Pollen comb

    On my crown board I found some comb. Not unusual to find this on the underside of the board. But this was on the outside. It didn't feel waxy but a pale yellow colour that was quite thick. It looked a lot like pollen. Unfortunately I didn't take a photo. I have noticed that a lot of my bees...
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    Honey Darko

    Just bottled my honey and it's really dark and I mean dark like chocolate. I know the colour is dependent on the local forage but compared to last year's honey which was really light and yellow. I'm wondering whether it's was due to the terrible weather in May/June when most of my nectar is...
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    Running in a swarm

    Thanks - that's what seemed to have happened to me too.
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    Swarm not taking to hive

    I had a similar experience yesterday. Advice was that the bees need to do 'some sorting out' inside the hive. I went to bed nervous that I would have to recapture the swarm, but in the morning they were not on the outside any more (not sure they were on the inside either!!) but activity...
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    Running in a swarm

    Had my first swarm. Think I did everything right except that the bees are bearding on the outside of the hive. I reckon a chunk of them have gone in the hive ok - they seemed to go up the ramp to the hive quite nicely. Should I leave them as they are for tonight and as it gets cooler they'll...
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    How to fill mini jars?

    I am thinking about bottling my honey in those mini 1oz jars. Has anyone got any ideas how to fill these quickly and accurately? thanks
  12. S

    Artificial Swarm may have gone pear shaped

    Found her!! She was in the correct place all the time - must have jump up and gone straight down again. Really surprised how quickly they draw out comb when there is no brood to feed. Now just going to let them get on with it and not interfere for a while. thanks to you for all your help
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    Artificial Swarm may have gone pear shaped

    This morning I tried to do an artificial swarm (as a means of varroa control rather than queen cells being present) I found my Queen, put her aside and put all the bees and brood in their respective boxes. I then took the Queen and tried to put her in with the bees but I think she jumped/flew...