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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. robinharman

    Bees flying in sub-zero?

    The President of Estonia's bees were flying last week when minus 4 when I passed by them
  2. robinharman

    Card sales

    I have used SumUp for about six years and now have two of the variety with a built in SIM. I find these are better than the type using your phone. These work really well and will also tap into available Wi-Fi if desired. Despite my best attempts I have never managed to get them below 50% battery...
  3. robinharman

    Selling price 8oz jar of honey?

    This is my usual source. £102 for 200 including postage
  4. robinharman

    Selling price 8oz jar of honey?

    They are about 55p and I guess are the same volume as yours as they are about 80% full for a kilo. I will swap over to the clear when I run out this month
  5. robinharman

    Selling price 8oz jar of honey?

    Lots of my regular want their honey in large sizes so I now do 1kg in plastic tubs (eBay) and glass jars (Bottle Company South). The saving in jars/labels/time makes up for the price saving the customer gets per gram. They also tend to use it quicker, which is the only complaint i have had...
  6. robinharman

    New Beekeeping Vehicle Must Have

    Surely the choice is a Hilux or a Hilux?
  7. robinharman

    Stacking plastic buckets - how high?

    I am sure I saw somewhere they could be five high so I go up to six. No problem over a couple of years
  8. robinharman

    Soft set to runny

    I have stopped selling soft set in the summer for this reason. Just swapped out four now separated jars from a shop.
  9. robinharman

    Advice for pricing please.

    Mine has not granulated whilst on display, probably due to the high level of borage in that honey - it comes from the fields surrounding the farm shop
  10. robinharman

    Advice for pricing please.

    When I had a visit from the local Trading Standards department they were more than happy for jars to be re-used but not lids and issued a visit notice confirming that. However I do not due to the time and effort required to remove labels etc and prefer to use new. If they are returned I give...
  11. robinharman

    Advice for pricing please.

    Same happened to me - I sent in Mrs H as a UC (JMB will know) and she bought a jar of honey with labels copied from those I had designed for the shop. Sat tight and after a couple of months later an order came in. I said that I thought they were getting honey from elsewhere. A bit sheepish they...
  12. robinharman

    Crawling bees

    Are any of them shiny/hairless?
  13. robinharman

    Adding undrawn supers

    I add two supers at a time, in the order that they come out of the truck and on top . I don't like to come back and find they have backfilled Having tried most of the suggested methods I don't think it makes much of a difference during a flow. If they need it they will fill it.
  14. robinharman

    Desperately seeking help!

    Go back to the Council and tell them it is a public nuisance under Environmental Act 1990 and provide them with a diary of incidents and include photographs of stings/swarms etc. If they decline you can do it yourself This may help you...
  15. robinharman

    Oil seed rape

    Could be OSR grown for bio diesel. One of my farmers grows this and it does not produce nectar (or barely any). 77 acres (was 82 but the rabbits ate it) within 100m and not a drop of OSR nectar
  16. robinharman

    Honey price 2024

    I currently do a 1kg plastic tub for £22 which sell extremely well at this time of the year.
  17. robinharman

    Beekeeping forum split?

    Sorry about the delay in responding I was out doing splits and extracting
  18. robinharman

    Raw honey

    From an organic farm Local Jarred by hand
  19. robinharman

    Raw honey

    Probably on your VMD records to identify where it was purchased/lot number etc.
  20. robinharman

    Bees for hire? Looking for some advise

    Look at it as a possible extra apiary. Your bees, your hives, your risk but they have the opportunity to buy as much of the honey produced, white labelled if wanted, for an agreed price. I do this very successfully at several apiaries and is the only way I will operate in these circumstances