Series 2 Landrover
I have a 1961 Series 2 Landrover. Go anywhere within reason , no road tax and classic insurance this year £74 . If you buy a good series Landrover they are cheap to run and will retain there value if not increase some . I can put four hives in mine plus supas and all the...
You need to make the entrance as small as possible by what every means so the bees can defend , foam , strip of cardboard , piece of wood get creative , you could also have a look around for the wasp nest and deal with them .
Queen cells
Sorry you are in a fix , but you have another colony so you can put a frame in the queenless colony , buy a queen or unit. Best lesson I have learnt , do not remove q cells until you have been through the hive and considered your options just mark the frames, as with many things...
Great Day
Things have calmed, 10 colonies up to now 8 are queen right and one is drone layer and one queen less needing to be amalgamated with its original . Now need some honey to make a good year .
In a swarm on Thursday , opened one of my hives and out they came amazing .
Not interested in me settled on the hedge nearby so I collected them, been to see them this morning and they are there my favourite queen
Possibly a little soon to worry about wasps, strong colonies will cope look after the weaker ones . You will know when the time arrives but they might find something else to do. Have a good year .
Contact for leicestershire
Leicestershire and Rutland BeeKeepers Association have members in the area, the secretary can be contacted from the web site .
Did a talk for the fist time a few weeks a go, there are many interesting bee facts on internet plus i keep it simple what each did, the fact that it is a mainly female society seems to suprise people. Good Luck
Just got back from picking up my fourth swarm in two weeks, this is not my bees. Large swarm of good looking bees. Hope the forecast fine weather will calm things down and let these girls get out and live a little.
Bees flying
I am experiencing rain/hail and sunny spells , have had a quick look in two of my hive and they have stores and are filling cells in the supas i put on in march, plenty of pollen going into all my colonies, think it is a case of keep an eye on them and if in doubt feed fondant or...