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  1. B

    changing from castellations to runners

    All I would like to know is how I can transfer a family of bees from from physical hive to another. I basically have 2 different designs of hives which are not interchangable, and I would like to get the bees from one and into the other. ( it doesnt really matter what the ins and outs of what...
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    changing from castellations to runners

    No - I have modified the actual frames to now be self spacing, so the frames of the old hive and the new hive are no longer interchangable
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    changing from castellations to runners

    I have modified a French dadant hive to have frames with self spacers and runners rather than frames which rely on the castellations for spacing - How do I transfer my existing colony in a hive with conventional French dadant frames to my modified hive? I cant do any artificial swarms or any...
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    queen excluder over winter

    Please can someone explain why the queen excluder should be taken off over the wniter. One reason I have heard of is that the cluster might go to the top leaving the queen exposed - but there really isn,t much room on top of the frames and under the crown board, and surely the cluster stays in a...
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    oil seed rape honey

    Does anyone know? If the bees make oil seel rape honey and it cristalizes in the frame before I can spin it off - are the bees able to make use of it? , ie. can you give it back to them to eat, say in the autumn or the spring? Buckfast
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    winter treatment with essential oils

    Hi hivemaker Could you please tell me where I can get hold of Soy lecithin granules buckfast
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    Experience using Hoffman Converter Clips

    hoffman spacing french dadant hive I have decided to do the same, but fit the the hoffman self spacing side bars of the frame kit of the jumbo langstroff to the inside of my frames, thus not affecting the beespace between the side of the frame and the brood box. I have a french dadant 10...
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    winter treatment with essential oils

    Yes I have seen these recipes using oxalic acid and other chemicals - but my question was about simply adding essential oils to the normal winter syrup. There are many oils you can use , I was just wanted to know if anyone had experience of using these and if so what proportions - ie. how many...
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    winter treatment with essential oils

    I reqd that you can you use essential oils containing Thymol; Winter green, lemon grass etc. and add them to the feeding syrup. I particularly want to use the one containing Thymol. Has anyone tried this? and if so - what proportions of oil to syrup did you use? Buckfast
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    Experience using Hoffman Converter Clips

    As I said in my original text -They are not Hoffman frames, they are French Dadant straight sided frames of 1 inch width currently on a castellated bar.
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    Experience using Hoffman Converter Clips

    I also have French dadant hives with the castelated bars that I want to convert to a self spacing system using Hoffman converter clips. But I am worried about the inside dimensions of the clips. The width of my dadant top bar is 1inch exactly. ( not 1 1/16inch or 7/8 inch). I previously bought...
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    Experience using Hoffman Converter Clips

    hoffman converter clips I also have French dadant hives with the castelated bars that I want to convert to a self spacing system using Hoffman converter clips. But I am worried about the inside dimensions of the clips. The width of my dadant top bar is 1inch exactly. ( not 1 1/16inch or 7/8...