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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. beesontoast

    Natural beekeeping courses 2011

    Intermediate Natural Beekeeping Embercombe, South Devon Teachers: Phil Chandler, Tim Hall Dates: Friday March 25, 26, 27 (Start 5pm Friday - 4pm Sunday) This is the only event this year where attendees are expected to have some beekeeping experience - ideally, at least one season of practical...
  2. beesontoast

    Most expensive honey in Britain?

    If the hives were set up for conservation purposes, and one was sponsoring the maintenance of, say, a hollow tree that might otherwise be felled, that might be a reasonable point. But as this is clearly a way to extract money from the ignorant, IMO it does the cause no particular good -...
  3. beesontoast

    Most expensive honey in Britain?

    Is this a total rip-off or just clever marketing? You decide... "It costs just £28.00 per year we maintain your hive in one of our apiaries and supply you with regular updates on the health and productivity of your hive we will also send you 4 jars of honey throughout the year."...
  4. beesontoast

    Bee decline documentary

    I'm happy to give you my opinions, as long as you promise not to call me an expert.
  5. beesontoast

    Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera)

    Could someone please re-phrase the question so it makes sense? There is plenty around here, and the bees love it. Bumbles, honeybees, hoverflies - all of them now seem to regard it as an important source of pollen and nectar. And if you are canvassing support for it, I am definitely for it. It...
  6. beesontoast

    Barefoot Beekeeper podcast

    My podcast series is available at or look for 'Barefoot Beekeeper' on iTunes. The latest episode is about getting bees into a top bar hive.
  7. beesontoast


    My bottomless hive was destroyed by hungry badgers in March. That does not make me anti-badger, it just means that in future I will take better measures to protect my bees. I suspect that prone-ness to TB in cattle is more to do with the way they are fed these days than badgers. I'm sure I read...
  8. beesontoast

    Now Is The Chance To Have Your Say

    Pyrethroids toxic to queen bees: will Bayer admit they lied to us, and will the BBKA now withdraw their endorsement? _________________________________________________________________ New research from China has shown that synthetic pyrethroids - the same chemicals (Bayvarol, Apistan) that we...
  9. beesontoast

    Kirklees Council Allotments and the Honey Bee!

    Quite agree. We need more ferals, not less - survivor ferals comprise the genetic pool from which the future 'varroa-tolerant' bees will come. While beekeepers continue in their attempts to poison varroa mites with chemical treatments, they will just go on selecting for resistant mites - as they...
  10. beesontoast

    Kirklees Council Allotments and the Honey Bee!

    If our native bees (Apis mellifera mellifera) were introduced by man, which I doubt, it was certainly a long time ago. According to Fraser in his History of Beekeeping in England, “the Anglo Saxons had invaded a land in which beekeeping in wicker hives had been practiced from time immemorial...
  11. beesontoast

    Kirklees Council Allotments and the Honey Bee!

    You're welcome. I think that is the best approach - give them an opportunity to save face and be seen to be doing something positive. Good luck! PS - feel free to pass my email on to the local rags if you think it will help.
  12. beesontoast

    Kirklees Council Allotments and the Honey Bee!

    To: [email protected] Dear Ms Smith, I write in support of Jason Clegg, who, I understand, has been threatened with eviction from his allotment if he refuses to remove his beehives, which were placed there with the agreement of other allotment holders and the secretary of the local...
  13. beesontoast

    Kirklees Council Allotments and the Honey Bee!

    beekeeping on allotments I hope the BBKA help - it's time they supported beekeepers instead of corporations. Good luck, and Kirklees Council will be getting a letter from Friends of the Bees in support of your cause.