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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. S

    has anynbody started Qrearing yet?

    Started today, qcells in incubator.
  2. S

    Uniting with Supers

    One of the colony's has been Q- for a while despite 2 attempts to re-queen, 1 attempt produced a good queen but two weeks later she died or failed and I need to reduce the number of hives in the garden. The colony I am adding to strong is significantly weaker. Clearing board plan to be put...
  3. S

    Uniting with Supers

    Each hive has supers contain bees from differing factions. That's the crux of my problem, not sure you can mix them.
  4. S

    Wasp Trap bait

    An Empty Jam Jar, with a bit of jam, splash of water and 1 drop of fairy liquid in the bottom. A 7-8mm hole in the lid, place on the floor away from the hive and watch the jar fill with wasps. Jam for attractant, water to drown and fairy liquid to break the surface tension allowing for a...
  5. S

    Uniting with Supers

    When uniting two colonies, if both have supers can I just unite the weak over the supers of the strong with one sheet. Essentially can you unite over a super? :confused:
  6. S

    Uniting nuc with broodless hive

    A vertical Unite - I would love to see a photo of this method