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  1. B

    Bee honest…did you inspect this weekend?

    I actually think it's a disadvantage. It's not unusual to find the nest against a poly wall as its the most insulated spot. Whereas in wood, they are usually more in the middle of the hive and hence have food either side. But we only have 3 wood hives vs 46 poly, so it may be a poor sample size.
  2. B

    Bee honest…did you inspect this weekend?

    Then they are not clustered and can freely access food wherever they need too.
  3. B

    Bee honest…did you inspect this weekend?

    Just weighing often isn't enough. Especially if the brood is against a wall.... We weigh all our hives, you would be surprised the amount that heft heavy, but don't have full contact with food around the nest.
  4. B

    Bee honest…did you inspect this weekend?

    That's external temperatures.....the internals are 30 degrees now. We don't see clustering untill much lower temps...poly boxes that are rammed with bees. It works for us. But still...they can cluster around the brood which is still in the same shape and size and like I said....they have food...
  5. B

    Bee honest…did you inspect this weekend?

    I think too much is made of not doing quick checks early on. We find alot of problems can be resolved quickly. We don't do full inspections, just a quick check for food, space and anything else obvious often saves colonies in my experience. General rule for us, is if they are flying freely...
  6. B

    Bee honest…did you inspect this weekend?

    They have plenty of food right beside and above the cluster. Literally right beside the brood and all frames have a good honey band on them. We also feed syrup which is right on top. Also, the weather isn't looking too cold. They may cluster overnight, but will be free during the daytime. We...
  7. B

    Bee honest…did you inspect this weekend?

  8. B

    Bee honest…did you inspect this weekend?

    For most the hives the brood was just in the top box. A few had chimneyd, we just moved them into one and kept them together. A good few were honey bound on one side, so we just put the honey on the edges and the brood together next to empty comb. We find it usually helps them along. A few we...
  9. B

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Yep, we have a handful that have either found so.ething to rob, or a flow on somewhere.
  10. B

    Bee honest…did you inspect this weekend?

    Yes, did a quick check for brood and space. Helped things along by moving some frames that kept the queen honey bound so she couldn't get onto empty comb. Reduced a dozen double brood to singles. Plenty of drone brood around in the purple eye stage.
  11. B

    Pre wired langstroth frames, floppy foundation

    I don't understand what supports it. The nationals have the grooves which the foundation slots into holding it. About the best thing I can do is to put a cocktail stick in the small eyes below the bottom bar to keep it where it should be. Without it, it is just floppy
  12. B

    Pre wired langstroth frames, floppy foundation

    Not with wired foundation surely
  13. B

    Pre wired langstroth frames, floppy foundation

    Nope. It doesn't touch the side bars, it does fit in the two at the bottom
  14. B

    Pre wired langstroth frames, floppy foundation

    What am I doing wrong? I have always used nationals and this year, decided to try a langsteoth. I have some frames with pre wried foundation from abelo. The first thing I notice that's different is the sides of the frames don't have the grooves. Once I get the frame assembled and put the...