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  1. Spiney Norman

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    Now you mention it, I do remember him being very talkative. But very much in a helpful and generous way.
  2. Spiney Norman

    Base size

    I like to use hive stands supported by stakes in the ground. Easy to make. Easy to get level. Don't tip over and don't go out of level. Also, you can strap hives to them to mitigate high winds and animals. Most importantly, will not be undermined by moles or rats or other subsidence. I have had...
  3. Spiney Norman

    Base size

    The height of the stand ideally depends on the kind of hive and floor. As I use 14x12 boxes my stands are quite low. If I remember rightly, when standing next to a hive, the top of the brood box should reach your 1st knuckle joint. (I think.) I can't remember where I heard/read that.
  4. Spiney Norman

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    I want to move some hives from one part of my land to another. So trying to build new hive stands. But to do that I need to put up some stock fence as I want to attach the hive stands to the fence. To do that I needed to dismantle some tree guards where the new fence is going to go. To do...
  5. Spiney Norman

    Harbingers of spring - or could it all end in tears?

    As soon as February arrived, the sparrows have become raucous and looking for nests. A few years ago, I foolishly put up two triple nest boxes on the wall outside my bedroom window. I now have an annual chattering to wake me up that is both delightful and infuriating. They have gone quieter in...
  6. Spiney Norman

    Not so super super foundation

    Do they not often disintegrate in the extractor?
  7. Spiney Norman

    Not so super super foundation

    Thanks for your reply, and I take most of your points. But disagree on not needing the top wedge. Although I don't generally use them myself, I have made up nucs in the past using horizontally wired Langstroth medium frames that did not have a wedge. In warm weather I have found gravity can...
  8. Spiney Norman

    Not so super super foundation

    I still have a box of 'Emperor Stringets' somewhere. They really are super absorbent. wait or was it water repellent? I like Wapcaplet but maybe Spiney Norman more. Is there a Spiney Norman already?
  9. Spiney Norman

    Not so super super foundation

    Thanks for the replies so far. I've used wired frames in the brood box for several years, but wired foundation in supers. I've decided to start using wired frames in the supers this year. So it is a new move for me. Going by how the bees like to chew gaps between the side bars and the comb...
  10. Spiney Norman

    Not so super super foundation

    Sorry Erichalfbee, I'll try and think of something else... Ernie the quarterbee?
  11. Spiney Norman

    Not so super super foundation

    Hello All. I have just bought a fair quantity of unwired super foundation. It looks rather small to me. The supplier says it is normal. What do you think? Before I ordered it, I asked if it was already trimmed to fit an unwired frame. The supplier said that it might need a mm trimming...