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  1. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

    This is very useful. Thanks
  2. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

    I think as long as I keep being well advised here then I should be fine. I will put in some insulation this week. I have clear Perspex CB so I can see in winter to put in. I’ll add the varroa treatment and fingers crossed they should be ok. Thanks to everyone for all the advice.
  3. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

    So apivar this week?
  4. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

  5. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

    Opened cells and inspected larvae and only one or two on a selection. No evidence on backs of bees. No varroa boards in at moment. I’m grateful for advice as I’m now realising we’ve basically been left in the ****. I’m confident and quick to learn but need good advice. I shall get apivar and...
  6. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

    I’ll put some in this week. Can I ask about varroa? We haven’t treated this year as our mentor didn’t come after July. On inspection last week there is a small amount but not too heavy at all. Should I treat now or use OA in winter?
  7. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

    Thank you. I shall do this .
  8. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

    Fair enough. No match sticks no.
  9. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

  10. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

    Thank you
  11. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

    I’d love to know what insulation techniques you recommend. We were told not to last year as risk of condensation was too big, so we didn’t.
  12. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

  13. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

    3 queens swarmed since spring. They were requeened in July. Now happy and full of all stages. A healthy colony.
  14. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

    Thank you
  15. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

    Isn’t it warmer for them if they’re under supered?
  16. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

    The smaller hive has had 4 queens since spring, and depleted but is now very strong. Our other hive had two supers as the hive was very busy. Both are now down to one Bb, 1 super. Though colony is larger in hive 2. I’m tempted to give 1 k syrup to each as they’re not been fed at all? Would this...
  17. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

    Hello, I’m in Berkshire. Our mentor sort of took his hands off since summer so they’ve only had their natural forage / honey. I’m now managing the hives myself. The supers are nice and full, but as they’re not been fed I’m concerned they need a top up. My smaller hive is ready for winter but...
  18. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

  19. Will Cooper

    Feeding in October

    Hello, I’m a second year new keeper with two rural hives in UK looking for advice. Am I able to still feed thick syrup in next week or so or should I be switching to fondant? The bees have a super each for winter but I want to ensure they’re topped up. The weather is not too cold yet. I’m...
  20. Will Cooper

    Hello, new member from Berkshire UK

    Hello and thanks